ChicagoCHEC 8th Annual Community Forum Recap!

On September 29th, ChicagoCHEC held its 8th Annual Community Forum. The event brought together more than 180 attendees from diverse Chicago communities to participate in cancer education and research dissemination workshops led by ChicagoCHEC researchers, health care providers and community health educators.

Community Forum Details

The forum’s theme was “Community Health Connections: Bridging Gaps in Cancer through Conversations,” and it was a vibrant venue to discuss and prioritize cancer prevention control and health education needs in Chicago communities.

The forum also provided ChicagoCHEC program updates, communicated research findings from ChicagoCHEC project investigators, and provided opportunities for students to present research posters.

This year the forum returned to in-person at the Arturo Velasquez Institute and reintroduced the resource fair where community and local partners provided cancer health and prevention resources to our attendees.


ChicagoCHEC is a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer partnership led by the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Northeastern Illinois University, and the University of Illinois Chicago Cancer Center.

ChicagoCHEC Requests for Full Project Proposals

ChicagoCHEC is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals to support two collaborative projects for innovative research toward cancer health equity spanning the disciplines of basic, clinical, translational, prevention, control, behavioral, population, and/or community engagement research. Faculty from NEIU, UIC, and NU are eligible to receive funding. Preference will be given to projects that include a junior faculty member (i.e., someone who has never held R01-level funding as a Principal Investigator) from any of the three institutions.  Each proposal requires collaboration from a team of investigators across the three institutions as Multiple PIs (MPIs). All proposals require at least one partner organization that is a community-based organization or another type of partner, including but not limited to federal or local government agencies, school districts, and/or healthcare providers.

Please note that a pre-consultation Zoom meeting and letter of intent are required for full consideration. The proposal must be submitted using the NU competitions platform available at the link below. Key dates are listed below:

January 20, 2023
Deadline for required pre-proposal phone consultation meeting with ChicagoCHEC
February 15, 2023
Letter of intent to submit proposal due
May 26, 2023
Deadline for receipt of proposals
July 2023 (anticipated)
Project teams are notified of funding decision
September 1, 2023
Project funding begins

The RFP can be found here: ChicagoCHEC Incubator & Catalyst Grants Request for Proposals (2023) | Competitions (

ECF are encouraged to apply but feel free to share with your networks.

Congratulations to Jocelyn Sotelo – Winner of best research presentation in CS at SACNAS conference

Jocelyn Sotelo won the best presentation award in Computer Science at SACNAS – the second year in a row! She presented on the WeCanManage research.

She worked together with other NEIU Computer Science students  (Paulina Morales, Kevin Baez, and Melissa Delgado) and a UIC summer research student Beija Teolis.


SACNAS Presentation title:

Heuristic Evaluation of an mHealth Prototype for Cancer Survivors with Disabilities. Jocelyn Sotelo1, Paulina H. Morales1, Kevin Baez1, Melissa Delgado1, Beija Teolis2, Susan Magasi, Ph.D.2, Rachel F. Adler, Ph.D.1


1 Department of Computer Science, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago IL 60625

2 College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago IL 60612