The ChicagoCHEC Outreach Core leads community engagement, cancer education, and outreach activities to foster meaningful interactions between cancer centers, academic institutions, and the communities they serve. In concert with the National Cancer Institute’s National Outreach Network, we expect our Outreach Core activities will yield valuable data on factors associated with poorer cancer outcomes experienced by some communities, as well as factors associated with improved cancer outcomes experienced by other communities. Identifying the driving forces behind cancer inequities provides a unique and powerful opportunity for ChicagoCHEC to translate research findings into direct action.
Outreach Core Leadership
- Aida Giachello (NU)
- June McKoy (NU)
- Tracy Luedke (NEIU)
- Jeanine Ntihirageza (NEIU)
- Sariah Lofton (UIC)
- Keith Naylor (UIC)
Outreach Core Management
- Araceli Estrada (NU)
- Melissa Martinez (UIC)
- Alicia Kholamian (NEIU)
Community Health Educators
- Joana Salievska (NU)
- Alicia Kholamian (NEIU)
- Guy Morris (UIC)
- Tracy Kwan (NU)
Contact us to learn more or to get involved.