Event Listing

Tour a Pancreatic Cancer Research Lab!

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: PanCANChicago
Location: UIC
Address: 840 S. Wood Street, Chicago


Tour a Pancreatic Cancer Research Lab!!!

We all hear about the research that’s being done on pancreatic cancer, but not many of us get the opportunity to actually SEE it.

On Sunday, September 18, Dr. Paul Grippo is inviting the Chicago area to tour his pancreatic cancer research laboratory at UIC (840 S. Wood Street, Chicago). No tickets or RSVP needed; just come by any time between 1:00 and 4:00 and meet the man behind the microscope!

The tour is free and open to the public. Meet and greet researchers and your Chicago Affiliate Core Role Volunteers. Come join this great experience!!

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