Here, you will find funding opportunities and resources to assist investigators and community partners in developing strong applications. We want to grow this resource. Have a funding opportunity or resource to include here? Contact us at [email protected].
Funding Opportunities
Where to find funding opportunities?
- NU’s Office of Research Development publishing a curated list of weekly funding opportunities.
Applying for NIH funding?
- See the NIH grant timelines and sign up for the NIH listserv to be notified of NIH funding opportunities.
- Learn about the grant writing/coordination process here.
Interested in ChicagoCHEC seed grant funding?
- ChicagoCHEC Research Incubator / Catalyst Funding Opportunities – partnership building, proposal development, pilot projects, and research project grant funding opportunities to foster cross-institutional collaborations among investigator teams from NEIU, UIC, Northwestern, and community partner.
Grant writing resources
- NIH Biosketch FAQs – find biosketch instructions, samples, and tips for the “contributions to science” section.
Resources for community partners
- ARCC Resource Directory: NIH biosketch for community partners – biosketch templates and examples. Resources developed and is maintained by the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC).
- ARCC Resource Directory: Funding & Grantwriting Tips & Strategies – for partners and partnerships that are considering or preparing community-engaged research grant applications. Resources developed and is maintained by the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC).