Member Group: Admin Program Management

Erica Martinez

ChicagoCHEC Role: Finance and Regulatory Manager
Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago

Erica Martinez is a Grants and Project Manager at the Office of Community Engaged Research and Implementation Science (OCERIS) of the UI Cancer Center. Erica was most recently a policy analyst and program coordinator at Health & Medicine Policy Research Group (Health & Medicine). At Health & Medicine, Erica led and managed workforce development initiatives, overseeing the Schweitzer Fellowship alumni program, the Chicago Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Internship program and the Community Health Worker (CHW) policy efforts. Erica joined the UIC Cancer Center in December of 2015 and holds a Masters in Public Health (MPH) and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Prior to joining The UI Cancer Center, Erica worked at Health & Medicine, the American Cancer Society as a health educator (focusing on colon and breast cancer screening navigation) at Cook County Fantus Clinic, the College of Nursing at UIC, and as an operations analyst in the corporate sector. Erica is passionate about mentoring, diversifying the health workforce and engaging underrepresented communities in challenging inequities in health.

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Laura Tom

Organization: Northwestern University

Laura Tom is a Clinical Research Associate in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, where she oversees the day-to-day operations of Dr. Simon’s research lab and team. Prior to joining Northwestern, she was a project director managing research studies associated with the UMass Boston – Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center U56 and U54 partnerships. Having been a first generation college student and product of NCI’s Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience (CURE) programs, she is committed to the mission of ChicagoCHEC in ameliorating cancer disparities and supporting underrepresented students and investigators toward successful research careers. Laura holds a master’s degree from the Harvard School of Public Health and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Harvard College.

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