Adam Murphy

ChicagoCHEC Role: Mentoring and Project Team Lead
Organization: Northwestern University

Dr. Murphy is an African American urologist who focuses half his time on prostate cancer disparities research and the other half treating patients. He has conducted several multi-institutional, multidisciplinary prostate cancer research projects that focus on African American men. He is a recipient of a VA Career Development Award and co-leader on several projects. He will continue leveraging access to diverse patients and a multidisciplinary team to uncover the biological underpinnings that underlie African American prostate cancer disparities. His research focuses on prostate cancer disparities experienced by Black men. Dr. Murphys holds an MS in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Northwestern University, an MBA/MD from the University of Chicago. Dr. Murphy brings with him prior experience as co-PI on a ChicagoCHEC research project on prostate cancer disparities among African American men and as a co-lead on the Mentoring and Project team will assist and onboard junior investigators engaged in cancer heath disparities research.

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