Emma Turian

ChicagoCHEC Role: Research Education Core Co-Leader
Organization: Northeast Illinois University
Dr. Emma Turian is a Senior Instructor in the Mathematics Department at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU). Dr. Turian participated in the 2022 and 2023 Summer Data Camp, offered by the NEIU Center of Health, as an organizer and speaker. As of 2022, Dr. Turian is a Co-Leader in the Research Education Core. Her collaboration with ChicagoCHEC fellows resulted in having some of the fellows from the cohort 2023 participate in her interdisciplinary course Math 371, Mathematical Modeling for Cancer Risk Assessment, which she created and is teaching at NEIU. Dr. Emma Turian’s goals are to expand knowledge related to cancer modeling and cancer prevention among the young generations of students, especially those from underrepresented minority groups and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and encourage them to embrace the field of mathematical oncology.