Melissa Simon

ChicagoCHEC Role: Principal Investigator
Organization: Northwestern University
Melissa Simon is the George H. Gardner Professor of Clinical Gynecology, Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, a Northwestern Medicine physician, and co-program leader for cancer control and survivorship at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center. She leads a diverse portfolio of research and directly impacts local, state, and national level thought and policy regarding inclusion and health equity. Her research creates transdisciplinary partnerships focused on improving vulnerable populations’ health and their interface with the health care system. She extends beyond academic institution collaborations and includes immigrant and racially/ethnically diverse communities, minority serving public institutions, local community clinics and hospitals, national academic institutions, and state and national level policy-making bodies. Melissa supports a large group of mentees that span from high school-aged students through junior faculty. She has been recognized with numerous leadership and mentoring awards, including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Mentor of the Year Award and the Institute of Medicine of Chicago 100th Anniversary Centennial Scholar Award. Raised in Detroit, Michigan, she completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Chicago, her medical degree at Rush Medical College, her residency at Yale University, and her fellowship in family planning at Northwestern University.