Nabil Kahouadji

ChicagoCHEC Role: Core Co-Leader, Research Education Core
Organization: Northeastern Illinois University
Title: Associate Professor
Dr. Nabil Kahouadji is an Associate Professor and a tenured faculty member in the Mathematics Department in the College of Arts and Sciences at Northeastern Illinois University. Dr. Kahouadji served also as a member of the planning committee for the September 2017 Inaugural Women in Science Conference, where he participated as a session organizer/presenter, a session chair, and was instrumental in recruiting one of the conference’s featured cancer researchers, Dr. Cheri Shakiban, from the Mathematics Department at St. Thomas University. Moreover, Dr. Kahouadji served as organizing committee chair of the second and third annual Women in Science held in October 2018 and November 2019, respectively. As of September 2018, Dr. Kahouadji is a Co-Leader in the Research Education Core. Dr. Nabil Kahouadji’s involvement in ChicagoCHEC includes his goals to (1) make scientific contributions in the area of cancer and MRI modeling, (2) make scientific contributions in the area of colorectal cancer health disparities from a social and environmental perspective, (3) eliminate cancer disparities among minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, (4) develop the skills and abilities to become an independent investigator with competitively funded, peer-reviewed support in the area of cancer research, (5) enhance the opportunities for minority students to become trained and experienced in cancer research, and (6) establish new collaboration with epidemiological, social and behavioral experts.