Wen Wang

ChicagoCHEC Role: Planning and Evaluation Core Co-Lead and Evaluation Action Team Lead
Organization: Northwestern University
Wen Wang is a Program Evaluator for Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS). Working with NUCATS Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Program, she contributes to internal and external projects and develops strategic priorities and evaluation plans. She has an extensive academic background in biopsychology, human development, mental health, and health communication (MS, PhD). She has years of experience navigating various stages of the research lifecycle including plan development, data collection, data analysis, finding dissemination processes, and the supervision of projects. She has contributed to diverse research and evaluation projects within the realm of human health and development. Wen’s background and expertise will be a valuable resource as an Evaluation Action Team (EvAT) Lead in the Planning and Evaluation Core at ChicagoCHEC.