Resource Type: Academic Center

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Northeastern Illionois University »

Northeastern Illinois University, as a public comprehensive university with locations throughout Chicago, provides an exceptional environment for learning, teaching, and scholarship. We prepare a diverse community of students for leadership and service in our region and in a dynamic multicultural world.

• Undergraduate education
• Graduate education
• Student support services
• Student research services
• Project Success to recruit and retain African American Students • McNair Scholars program to increase attainment of doctoral degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society
• Proyecto Pa’Lante, to offer support services for Latino students who demonstrate academic potential but do not meet the general University admissions requirements

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Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions:
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

Northwestern University

Summer Research Opportunity Program
The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is an eight-week competitive research experience at Northwestern University for sophomores and juniors from colleges and universities across the United States. All fields of research at Northwestern are open to SROP participants including the social sciences and humanities, physical sciences, chemical and biological sciences, technology, math and engineering fields. Those belonging to groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in graduate education (e.g., certain racial and ethnic minorities, women in STEM, first-generation college students, etc.) are encouraged to apply
• Contact: Big Ten Academic Alliance SROP Program Manager
[email protected] or call (217) 244-4899.
CURE Program
A summer research program at the Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University for underserved college students interested in pursuing careers in the biomedical sciences. It is funded by a grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Each year the Lurie Cancer Center accepts 12 college students to work alongside top cancer researchers in state-of-the-art laboratories. The scientists act as mentors and work with students on nationally funded laboratory research projects during the eight-week summer program. Students are introduced to the basics of cancer biology and receive career guidance through weekly focused seminars presented by faculty members. At the end of the CURE program, each trainee is required to prepare a brief written summary and to give an oral report of his or her project to fellow CURE students and faculty mentors.
• Contact: Robin Leikin, PhD, CURE Program Director: [email protected]
Northwestern in partnership with the City of Evanston, Evanston Public Library, Evanston/Skokie School District 65, Evanston Township High School District 202, McGaw YMCA, Family Focus and Youth and Opportunity United (Y.O.U.) helped launch EvanSTEM, a program that seeks to improve access and engagement for students who have traditionally underperformed or have been underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs.
• Link:
• Contact: Kirby Girolami Callam. Project Director, EvanSTEM. (847) 859-8059, [email protected]
Evanston Cradle to Career
• The Evanston Cradle to Career initiative is a collective impact effort to mobilize our community assets to make a lasting difference in the lives of our community’s children, youth and families.
• Link:
• Address: 1560 Sherman Ave. Suite 535 Evanston, IL 60201.
• Phone: 847.492.0990
NU-Chicago STAR Partnership
Northwestern University has partnered with the City Colleges of Chicago to offer a Northwestern Star Scholarship Award to talented students who attend a Chicago Public School and go on to complete an associate’s degree at a City College.
• Link:
• Contact: Kimberley Lindsay, Senior Assistant Director, Transfer Coordinator, 847-491-7344, [email protected]
Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI)
A unique community of researchers, clinicians, students and advocates affiliated with Northwestern University dedicated to improving women’s health by advancing the field of sex based biology.
• Monthly research forums; paid summer positions for undergraduate students interested in oncofertility laboratory research; science education summer academies for high school females in Chicago; mentoring program between female high school girls and science graduate and medical students
• Link:
• Address: 303 E Superior Street, Suite 10-121, Chicago Illinois 60611.
• Phone: 312-503-1385
Center for Audiology, Speech, Language, and Learning
• Adult Cognitive Screenings
Free community screenings give participants a baseline of their overall cognitive health. Confidential 20-minute cognitive screenings involve answering written and verbal questions that are commonly used by allied health professionals to gauge brain health through memory, speech, and other related indicators. Please contact us at 847-491-3165 if you would like to host a screening event or register for an upcoming screening.
• Hearing Screenings
Free hearing screenings conducted by the clinic are held in various locations throughout the year. Call 847-491-3165 if you would like to host a screening event or register for an upcoming screening.
• Youth Speech-Language Screenings
Schools and daycares often invite speech-language pathologist teams to assess speech-language development.
• Link:
• Address: 70 Arts Circle Drive, Evanston, IL 60208.
• Phone: 847-491-3165
Northwestern Bluhm Legal Clinic Center on Wrongful Convictions
Considers cases where there is a claim of actual innocence and post-conviction status. Community members able to mail them a request to review their case as long as it meets two pieces of criteria (1) actual innocence, and (2) that the case is in post-conviction status.
• Link:
• Center on Wrongful Convictions
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
375 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611
• Phone: 312.503.8576
NU Center for Civic Engagement
Has a website that lets local organizations and community members know how and who to collaborate with at Northwestern University. Offers venues for community members to subscribe to the civic engagement email digest; host an undergraduate or graduate student intern; be a site for a student volunteer group; host students for a field experience at your organization; attend an event at Northwestern.
• Link:
Contact: [email protected] or visit in person at 1813 Hinman Avenue on the Northwestern Evanston campus.
Northwestern/Evanston Skilled Trades Training Program
Teaches community members skills through an apprenticeship program in the University’s Facilities Management Division. Program hires six individuals per year for this apprenticeship.
• Link:
• Contact: Martha Logan at 847-448-8041 or [email protected]
Northwestern University Student Volunteer Request
Makes visible community-based volunteer opportunities to Northwestern University students.
• Link:
• Contact: Myrtie Williams, [email protected] at
NU Community Relations
Every month, they provide a catalogue of on-campus events and opportunities open to the public. These include special performances from world-renowned musicians, family-friendly events for children, Big 10 athletics, and lectures in the humanities and sciences. There is also a newsletter available,
• Link:
• Contact: [email protected] or visit in person,
1813 Hinman Avenue, on the Northwestern Evanston campus.

Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions:
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

Office of Equity and Minority Health »

The Office of Equity and Minority Health (OEMH) is dedicated to research, education, and policy formulation that identifies the root causes of cancer health disparities, and works to advance the understanding of practices to eliminate barriers to health empowerment and equity.

View resource webpage »

Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions: Northwestern University, Northwestern University - Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center
Career Levels:
Subject Area: Medicine

Contact Name: Associate Director: Alexis A. Thompson

Contact Email: [email protected]

Roberth H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University »

Additional Chicagoland Locations:
Academic campuses in Evanston and downtown Chicago, as well as associated hospitals and health centers throughout Chicago/Illinois.

The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University is committed to being a national leader in the battle to overcome cancer. To this end, the Lurie Cancer Center is dedicated to: scientific discovery, advancing medical knowledge, providing compassionate state-of-the-art care, and training the next generation of clinicians and scientists.

• Clinical trials
• Patient services (on-site pharmacy, accessibility resources, discounted lodging, financial assistance)
• Palliative care services
• Clinical Cancer Center
• Specialty Cancer Programs
• Cancer Survivorship Institute
• Pediatric cancer programs
• New Patient Orientation • Supportive oncology team
o Clinical psychologists
o Nutrition Services
o Psychiatry team
o Financial counseling
o Health learning center
o Gilda’s Club on-site support programs
o Nurse navigators
o Fertility preservation program navigator
o Social workers
o Coordinator of supportive oncology education

View resource webpage »

Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions:
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

The Center on Social Disparities and Health at the Institute for Policy Research »

To bring together the social, life, and biomedical sciences to understand the origins, consequences, and policy solutions for contemporary health inequalities in the United States.

View resource webpage »

Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions: Northwestern University
Career Levels:
Subject Area: Health Disparities

Contact Name: Program Chair: Thomas McDade

Contact Email: [email protected]

The University of Illinois Chicago

• To create knowledge that transforms our views of the world and, through sharing and application, transforms the world.
• To provide a wide range of students with the educational opportunity only a leading research university can offer.
• To address the challenges and opportunities facing not only Chicago but all Great Cities of the 21st century, as expressed by our Great Cities Commitment.
• To foster scholarship and practices that reflect and respond to the increasing diversity of the U.S. in a rapidly globalizing world.
• To train professionals in a wide range of public service disciplines, serving Illinois as the principal educator of health science professionals and as a major healthcare provider to underserved communities
As Chicago’s only public research university, real-world problems are solved through innovation and discovery. Research at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) is re-shaping educational policy; developing cleaner, more sustainable energy; helping to make sense of today’s vast amounts of computer-generated data; and driving economic development by moving research to practical application. Outstanding programs range from the creation of new medical diagnostic techniques to turning carbon dioxide into fuel.

UIC is made up of 15 colleges dedicated to the discovery and distribution of knowledge, with research strengths in the areas of computer science, sustainability, bioengineering, health sciences, psychology and education. UIC features 15 academic colleges, 83 bachelor’s, 93 master’s and 64 doctoral degree programs.
A part of UIC, UI Health includes a hospital, 22 outpatient clinics, and 12 Mile Square Health Center facilities. It also includes the seven UIC health science colleges: the College of Applied Health Sciences; the College of Dentistry; the School of Public Health; the Jane Addams College of Social Work; and the Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing.


Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions:
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

UI Health Cancer Center »

Our Cancer Center philosophy and execution functions under five cores: Education, Community, Clinical Science and Services, Basic Sciences and Shared Resources. These cores underlie our priorities. Our clinicians and researchers, of whom make up our highly distinguished faculty, not only train our future healthcare providers, but are breaking new ground in the process with continual research on cancer. The Office of Community Engaged Research and Implementation Science (OCERIS) of the UI Health Cancer Center also facilitates this value of education through community screenings and prevention opportunities, by embedding themselves within the groups of people who most need our care. Our labs and hospital facilities are stocked with state-of-the-art technology, allowing our clinicians to treat their patients and our researchers to seek out cancer’s demons, using the basics of science and modern medicine. Finally, our Shared Resources are plentiful, providing our Cancer Center with the many tools needed to conduct innovative clinical trials that are in their earliest stages, and develop novel pharmaceuticals that are changing the way cancer is treated. Mile Square offers our patients an opportunity for primary health care and cancer screening as needed, under the umbrella of the Federally Qualified Health Care Systems. Our mission of serving the underserved is carried throughout, with our partnership to the UI Health Mile Square Health Centers as a way to maintain that connection. Within this context, we are building a model to provide our constituents with access to the best healthcare possible. Ultimately, our goal is to develop a bench to community model of care that translates the science of cancer into the welcoming arms of a community that cares. The combination of our laboratory research, clinical trials and patient care enables our Cancer Center teams to actively translate knowledge gained, into an improved quality of life for persons and families impacted by cancer.

• Clinical trials
• Cancer treatment
• Survivor empowerment nework support group
• Cancer patient support group
• Pain management
• Palliative care
• Pastoral services • Cancer genetics
• Childhood cancer survivorship clinic
• Fertility preservation
• Radiation oncology
• Surgical oncology
• Clinical research
• Population health research • Therapeutics research
• Chemoprevention research
• Cancer biology research
• Community-engaged research
• Implementation science
• Medical school education

Additional Chicagoland Locations:
Mile Square Health center locations throughout Chicago/Illinois. Click here to view locations:


View resource webpage »

Resource Types: Academic Center
Participating Institutions:
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

UIC CCTS 2019 Pilot Funding Available for Translational Research Projects »

UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Pilot Grant Program

AY 2019-2020 Call for Applications



The goals of the CCTS Pilot Grant Program are:

  • to foster outstanding new clinical and translational research at UIC by supporting the development of preliminary data that can be used to launch new NIH or other externally-funded research proposals;
  • to encourage interdisciplinary teams of investigators that spans across Colleges and campus to develop collaborations or new research avenues;
  • to promote interactions between basic and clinical scientists; and
  • to support research collaborations with community partners and organizations.

This program focuses on clinical and translational research, and as such, all applications must involve human subjects, facilitate human subject investigations, establish infrastructure related to human subject investigation, or concern disease mechanisms with clear, near term implications for therapeutics or prevention. Pilot funding aims to support several aspects of the collaboration that will lead to a successful, extramurally funded research programs.

Aspects include but are not limited to:

  • proof of principle studies for new methodologies;
  • feasibility studies for patient recruitment;
  • measurement validation studies;
  • pilot intervention studies to inform sample size and power estimation;
  • establishment of collaborative community partnerships;
  • development of new technologies to address a clinical research problem;
  • improvements in biomedical informatics architecture and/or delivery of services,
  • new methods for structuring or analyzing data sets; and
  • stimulating child clinical research.

Note: Pilot funds cannot be used for clinical trials.

Priority Areas

Although applications are welcome in the broad domains of clinical translational research, we are especially interested in applications covering the following priority areas for Fall 2019 funding:

  • Pain management/opioid use/substance use
  • Health disparities/health equity
  • Innovative Implementation Science: Implementation methods that promote the uptake of research findings into routine healthcare in clinical or policy contexts
  • Projects linking patient data to Chicago Health Atlas data
  • Projects that tie into Healthy Chicago 2.0 goals
  • Studies on methods to improve the clinical translational research process
  • Projects grounded in bidirectional community-based participation
  • Child health research
  • Studies that address health equity

Application Process

Pilot grants can be up to 2 years in duration ($30,000 each year, with second year funding contingent upon progress made during Year 1) and focus specifically on activities needed to prepare competitive NIH grant proposals.

Grant Application Process:

  • Phase 1)  Letter of intent with proposal abstract.  The review committee will review and score these; a selected group will then be invited to submit for Phase 2.
  • Phase 2)  Full Application to be submitted only by those invited from Phase 1.

Deadlines for the AY 18-19 pilot grant program:

  • Letters of Intent (REQUIRED): 12 Noon CST, Friday, June 14, 2019
  • Invitations for full application: Anticipated by July 19, 2019
  • Complete pilot grant application: 5:00pm CST, Monday, September 9, 2019
  • Award decisions: October 16, 2019
  • Funding Start Date: November 16, 2019

Letter of Intent Form
Letter of Intent Guidelines
Submit a Pilot Grant Letter of Intent

View resource webpage »

Resource Types: Academic Center, Academic Partner, Grant
Participating Institutions: University of Illinois Chicago
Career Levels:
Subject Area:

Address: Medical Center Administration Building 914 S Wood Street Chicago, IL 60611

Contact Name: The Center for Clinical & Translational Sciences

Contact Email: [email protected]