New ChicagoCHEC funding opportunity!

We are excited to announce that our ChicagoCHEC Incubator and Catalyst Funding Program’s 2016-2017 Request for Proposals is now open. One of the most important needs for growing an idea is early stage funding. Do you need seed funds to take your cancer disparities project to the next step? The ChicagoCHEC Research Incubator / Catalyst Funding Program supports transdisciplinary cancer disparities research in behavioral and social science, basic, biomedical, and translational science. These awards are intended to foster cross-institutional collaborations among investigator teams from NEIU, UIC, Northwestern, and community partner(s). ChicagoCHEC funding opportunities consist of:
- Partnership Development Incubator Grants: 1 year seed funding of up to $40,000 to jumpstart partnerships to develop research across the three institutions and with community partners.
- Proposal Development Incubator Grants: 1 year seed funding of up to $40,000 to help teams progress from partnership phase to proposal writing phase.
- Pilot Project Catalyst Grants: awards of up to $120,000 per year for 2 years across the three institutions and community partner(s).
This is a unique funding opportunity that requires involvement from all three institutions (NEIU, UIC, Northwestern) and a community stakeholder. ChicagoCHEC offers help linking interested people with potential collaborators across institutions and communities.
A pre-proposal consultation meeting with ChicagoCHEC is due December 15, 2016 and applications are due January 15, 2017. For more information please see the Request for Proposals or email [email protected].