Research on the Health and Well-Being of African American Men: Emerging Issues and Research Best Practices

Sponsor/Host: UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Location: College of Nursing Event Center
Address: 845 S Damen, 3rd Floor
Email: [email protected]
This free workshop is designed to provide an overview of African American men’s health, as well as discuss emerging issues, and research best practices with regards to recruitment and retention, measurement, and community engagement in this population. Students, post-doctoral researchers and scholars in Chicago conducting research specifically on African American and Black men are encouraged to attend.
Registration Required
Questions? Contact Raymond Ruiz at [email protected]
Presented by the CCTS Recruitment, Retention & Community Engagement Program, Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) & the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research.