Walk From Obesity 5K walk/run

Event Type: Open to the Public
Sponsor/Host: UI Health Bariatric Surgery
Location: Montrose Beach
Address: 601 W. Montrose
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »
The Bariatric Surgery Program at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health Bariatric Surgery) is hosting a Walk from Obesity 5K walk/run on Sunday, November 12th through the ASMBS Foundation! See attached flyer for additional information. To register, go to www.walkfromobesity.com
The ASMBS Foundation’s Walk from Obesity is the only national walkathon that brings attention to the disease of obesity by raising awareness in communities all over the country. The Walk from Obesity also provides educational materials regarding obesity and the treatment options available.
All Walk from Obesity events are at a “set your own” pace, and are non-competitive. Participants are encouraged to walk or run as little or as much as they like.
Whether you are an individual struggling with obesity, have successfully treated your obesity, know someone who is struggling, or are interested in supporting the fight against obesity, we welcome you to join us as we Walk from Obesity. To find an event in your area please visit www.WalkfromObesity.com/events
The Walk from Obesity is also a fundraising event to support the ASMBS Foundation’s mission to raise funds for obesity research, education, and access to quality treatment.
For more information, contact:
Jenna Giannetti, RD, CSOWM, LDN
Outpatient Bariatric Dietitian
Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management
(312) 996-6838
[email protected]