John Stewart

ChicagoCHEC Role: Principal Investigator
Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago

Dr. Stewart is an Associate Director for Clinical Research in the Department of Surgery. His research is focused on tumor immunology and the delivery of immunotherapeutic agents. He has the expertise, leadership, training, expertise, and motivation necessary to provide significant contributions to the efforts in support of NCI designation. Dr. Stewart’s training has included fellowships in clinical immunotherapy and surgical oncology at the National Cancer Institute. While working there with Dr. Steven Rosenberg, he gained extensive knowledge of tumor immunology and the delivery of novel immunotherapeutic agents, including anti-tumor peptide vaccines and interleukin-2. The National Cancer Institute recognized Dr. Stewart’s national reputation for multidisciplinary research by a Cancer Clinical Team Leadership Award in 2013. His ability to serve as an advisor evidenced by the fact that he served as the founding PI/PD for the Wake Forest NIGMS T32 training program titled “Integrative Training in Trauma and Regenerative Medicine.” He currently serve as the Associate Director for Clinical Research for the UIC Cancer Center and the Physician Executive for Oncology Services. His expertise facilitates the institution’s move to value-based health care with a focus on clinical research as a lever to provide outstanding cancer care to all patients.

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