Grounding Experience as a ChicagoCHEC Fellow

Grounding Experience as a ChicagoCHEC Fellow

By: Robynne Alegado


Throughout my journey as a fellow in the ChicagoCHEC fellowship program, I found myself reflecting a lot on continuous cycle of constructing and deconstructing my career plan, finding ways to eliminate healthcare disparities, and learning to be an effective mentor. It was a highly informative roller coaster that put me face to face with the people involved with the healthcare system. I’ve never felt so blessed to be present at every discussion with these inspiring healthcare professionals. I learned a lot about myself, my interests on what I want to pursue, but also how we currently address healthcare disparities. I had an idea of what healthcare disparities were and how much they affected the people around me. It was a battle that seemed simple to beat that required replacing conservative politicians trying to segregate us and being part of the problem not solution. Later on, I learned that it is much more complex to fix the flaws of our healthcare system, and that some aspects may not be fixed in one lifetime. Striving for progress takes time, just like any wound. The wound in this metaphor is inequity. I approached this program with an open mind and attentive ears to see where the problems and solutions related to inequity lie while also structuring my future plans to have a better understanding of myself and the world around me.

My first week as a ChicagoCHEC fellow was quite impactful. My imposter syndrome was kicking in, I felt nervous everyday introducing myself in front of every speaker who wanted a chance to “have a brief idea who their audience was”, and seeing how my role in this group could make a difference in battling healthcare disparities. I continuously thought “why me?” a lot. I had no idea my background and race had something to do with it until we all introduced ourselves and I realized that there were no other Filipinos in the room. I’m not saying being Filipino made me better or worse, it’s just in my experience almost every Filipino I knew went into nursing. I’m also not saying that there’s anything wrong with nursing, but was there something wrong with me picking a career as a physician rather than as a nurse, based on what other Filipinos were doing? This made me wonder if I was wrong in my elevator speech to say that I wanted to be a general physician who does cancer research and that I wanted to go to the Philippines to fight for better healthcare for the poor when I felt so detached from my culture. Why did I feel so alone and different from everyone else? Everyone talked of so much passion and assurance for what they wanted to be. I felt lost, and it made me think that if I can’t help myself, then how do I get millions of people from Chicago and the Philippines to depend on me to provide better healthcare? I was also striving to find a mentor to help convince me that I wasn’t striving for something impossible. It was also during this time that my program arranged Dr. Yancy to speak to us. He said that resilience and continuing to pursue what we want in life while facing any obstacles will be very rewarding at the end when we have reached our goals. This made me aware that my self-doubt and disparities on two parts of the globe were my obstacles and that my resiliency was needed to push myself toward my goals.

I decided to take advantage of my time figuring out specifically what I wanted to do and take action instead of feeling sorry for myself. There was no better time than now to think of the various careers and fields of study that are all part of the healthcare system. I needed to stop thinking of the limits that my racial category and box of a culture that life put me in. I acknowledged it, but I wasn’t going to let it place me in a career I wasn’t satisfied with. I needed to stop the cycle in myself that hindered my self-realization. This coincided with the healthcare system in a sense. It was a continuous cycle that is so deeply rooted into our American society that it is so hard to change. Changing the mind of an individual to change the course of the outcome was simple, but changing the minds of millions of people to take action and change the outcome was so difficult.

When we met fifty high schoolers in one room, all eyes were on us to learn from and meet expectations that probably went through the roof. I had no experience with this generation of high schoolers. They grew up in the modern technological age, which was a few years after me but I couldn’t read them mentally or socially. It got to the point where I gave up over-thinking it and just spoke to them normally like I would my peers. This made me realize our same human approach to patients we don’t fully understand. We just categorize them in one group instead of individually to give healthcare at a faster and convenient rate.

In the later weeks we had some very important speakers that made me want to practice being humble more seriously as well as how I present myself. The oncologist speaker we had as well as Jen Cooper had very informative talks focusing on cancer research and the importance of networking. The importance of these presentations made me think about pursuing an MD/PhD and to basically cast a wide net to find a mentor. Learning about Dr. Moreira’s background highly resonated with my own. It was reassuring knowing that another person  who has faced disparities in our medical system, limitations in family and culture, and self-doubt was able to push themselves beyond expectations and find their niche in the medical field. This was heartening to hear to make me put a little more faith in myself and what the future holds for me. His talk motivated me to learn about CAR T-cell therapy and in doing that I was able to make a decision to continue doing research either on the side while being an MD or just pursing an MD/PhD overall. At this point I felt like anything was possible. However, I was taught that without having a strategy on how to show my interest, introducing myself with an elevator speech and posture, it would be close to impossible to find a mentor willing to put time and effort advising me on my career path.

Halfway through the program things started getting more intense. I started learning more about types of cancer therapies available based on how much people can afford, a day in the life of a medical student, and a cancer survivor’s/professor’s talk that just so happened to be positioned at my own university, NEIU. I’ve never met Ben Levi until that day and he was so passionate in his talk that I couldn’t help but be fully engaged. He made me aware of more flaws in the healthcare system where our patients didn’t know the right questions to ask. That we as the healthcare providers should get off our high horse, stop spouting complex medical terminology to scared and confused patients and focus more on translating our information in a form they will understand. This talk emphasized so much on patient care and treatment, especially in the eyes of someone who has literally gone through it and continues to speak his experience. It made me realize that this practice of translational research still needs more improvement and that we as medical providers need to be active towards the change in helping the patient understand more about their disease/illness. The more patient, humble, empathetic, and honest we were towards a patient the more trust they will have in us.

Trust is the number one thing that has been emphasized during the program. It had been abused in earlier years but it can be reestablished with changes in how we approach and address patients. This experience has made me want to learn more about the African American culture, Hispanic culture, and even my own to help establish that trust into different groups to people. I now have a goal to understand, but not assume. I want to learn to communicate on an individual level, to give better patient care and to teach others the importance of this or else the gap in healthcare disparities will continue to expand. I don’t only want myself but for other healthcare providers to be that hope for their patients. The reassurance patients need that they are putting their health into the hands of someone that understands and actually cares about them as individuals. My experience here has motivated me to embrace being different, because being different doesn’t always mean that I am lost. I want to help break that cycle of unequal healthcare and be part of the change that practices patient equity every day.


Robynne is a senior at Northeastern Illinois University and is currently interested in pursuing medical school, conducting cancer research, as well as studying healthcare disparities.



The views expressed in this paper are exclusively those of the author and not necessarily representative of the organizations the author represents nor the ChicagoCHEC organization. This work is solely intended to help further disseminate information related to ChicagoCHEC’s cause and stimulate dialogue about important topics. It is not a report by ChicagoCHEC itself and must not be treated as such.



Call to Action: Increasing the Number of Physicians from Underrepresented Communities as a Solution for the Need of a Culturally Competent Health Care System

Call to Action: Increasing the Number of Physicians from Underrepresented Communities as a Solution for the Need of a Culturally Competent Health Care System

By: William Mati

The physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor, and the social problems should largely be solved by them.

-Rudolf Virchow, M.D.

When my parents migrated to the Land of Opportunities, they never imagined giving birth to a child with a strong passion in changing the face of health care. Why would they? I mean, by looks of those who practiced medicine in the U.S. at the time, it seemed as if a doctor was born, not made. Fortunately, looks can be deceiving.

According to a 2018 article published by the United States Census Bureau, the population is expected to continue to diversify throughout the 21st Century1. As is the duty of a physician to meet the needs of their patient, new demands will be brought to light in a dense, multidimensional society. By equipping the health care industry with professionals from various sociocultural backgrounds, patients can be ensured that they will establish fruitful relationships with health care providers who are working to institute health equity for all.



Why is a Culturally Diverse Population of Doctors Needed Anyways? Let’s Take a Walk Down History Lane to Find Out…


Don’t worry, the entire walk is quite long. In this case, our journey is very short: 20th Century Baltimore, Maryland — where Jim Crow ideology thrived. It is here where we find Henrietta Lacks, an African- American woman commonly known among the biomedical research community as “HeLa.”2 A wife and mother of five children, Lacks passed away due to cervical cancer without ever seeing her young grow up3. On the other hand, homogenous researchers and physicians had secretly discovered a scientific gold mine after obtaining a biopsy of Lacks’ tumor, only to exploit her children years later in hopes of further developing the new immortal cell



line from their mother. In the eyes of the medical professionals assisting Henrietta Lacks, treating her (and the family) as a test subject was justified due to the “free care” given to Lacks3. Need I say, this was all done without any initial awareness or consent from the Lacks Family.


Such ethics and treatment of minority groups — particularly African-Americans — were NOT uncommon just a few decades ago. The lack of diversity among health care professionals at the time resulted in numerous voiceless communities that were simply unable to protect themselves from harmful philosophy and medical practice. As a way of pointing toward the elephant in the room, I pose the question: “How can we be the voice of the voiceless?”

Where is the U.S. Health Care System at Today?


You may have heard the relatively new buzzword among Medical Education departments across the United States: Cultural competency. By instilling an awareness and respect for the existing diversity in humanity, it is (rightly) proposed that health equity, access to health care, and the quality of care will increase for people of all sociocultural and economic backgrounds4. Indeed, this is a large step in the correct direction (recall the demographic statistics mentioned in the beginning). However, it is not sufficient.


I was fortunate to have participated in the 2018 ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program, a health care pipeline program that seeks to expose underrepresented students to an array of perspectives regarding cancer health disparities5. One of the primary aims of ChicagoCHEC is to ensure that the diversity of this country is reflected in the health care industry with the hopes of institutionalizing health equity for all. In fact, by doing so not only increases the likelihood of patients feeling comfortable  with their health  care

providers6, it simultaneously proliferates cultural competency by introducing heterogeneity directly into the Medical field. As such, patients can feel at greater ease knowing their voices will be heard — whether it is from professionals of similar backgrounds or through the courage to speak up in a place where they feel represented. By breaking down structural barriers through programs geared toward diversifying future medical professionals, the face of health care will adjust to the needs (and wants) of all patients.

I was fortunate to have participated in the 2018 ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program, a health care pipeline program that seeks to expose underrepresented students to an array of perspectives regarding cancer health disparities5. One of the primary aims of ChicagoCHEC is to ensure that the diversity of this country is reflected in the health care industry with the hopes of institutionalizing health equity for all. In fact, by doing so not only increases the likelihood of patients feeling comfortable  with their health  care

providers6, it simultaneously proliferates cultural competency by introducing heterogeneity directly into the Medical field. As such, patients can feel at greater ease knowing their voices will be heard — whether it is from professionals of similar backgrounds or through the courage to speak up in a place where they feel represented. By breaking down structural barriers through programs geared toward diversifying future medical professionals, the face of health care will adjust to the needs (and wants) of all patients.


About the Author


William Mati is a first-generation college student studying Biochemistry at Loyola University Chicago. He was part of the 2018 ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Cohort. William plans to enroll in Medical School during 2020 with hopes of utilizing Precision Medicine as a tool for addressing Health Disparities. (Note: Any feedback or general comments are highly encouraged and should be directed to [email protected]).





I would like to thank Dr. Melissa A. Simon, M.D. and the graceful ChicagoCHEC staff, community partners, and speakers who have invested their passion and time in developing the health care professionals of tomorrow. Surely, all your work is not in vain but has planted seeds that shall flourish all across Chicago and the World.





The views expressed in this paper are exclusively those of the author and not necessarily representative of the organizations the author represents nor the ChicagoCHEC organization. This work is solely intended to help further disseminate information related to ChicagoCHEC’s cause and stimulate dialogue about important topics. It is not a report by ChicagoCHEC itself and must not be treated as such.





  1. Vespa, J., et al. (2018). Demographic Turning Points for the United States: Population Projections    for     2020                    to                 2060.              Retrieved   from


  1. Callaway, E. (2013). Deal Done Over HeLa Cell Line. Retrieved from


  1. Skloot, R. (2011). The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Broadway Books. Print.


  1. National      Institute      of      Health      (2017).      Cultural      Respect.      Retrieved      from communication/cultural-respect


  1. Taylor, S. (2018). The Health Care Career Pipeline: A Program Director’s Reflection on Extending the Resources of the University to the Minority Student Community. Retrieved from resources-of-the-university-to-the-minority-student-community/


  1. Chen, F., et al. (2005). Patients’ Beliefs About Racism, Preferences for Physician Race, and Satisfaction With Care. Retrieved from

Finding Myself in Research: A graduate student discovers the importance of humanizing data

“In graduate school, we are urged to publish in the most prominent journals and pursue prestigious fellowships. The number of peer citations or research dollars measures success. What is often absent is the consideration of how research affects everyday individuals. My experience with the woman at the poster session reminded me that I am not just doing research to become a known scholar in my field. I research for the sake of humanity. All researchers could use that reminder.”

Click here to read more. 

PACHE Spotlight: Yamilé Molina, Ph.D.

Inspired by this year’s National Minority Health Month theme, Partnering for Health Equity, the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) is celebrating its Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) trainees in a new series of blog posts. We asked PACHE trainees and early-stage investigators to tell us about their work, partnerships, and mentors.  Former ChicagoCHEC Research and Education Core Co-Leader from UIC  and the University of Illinois Cancer Center,  Dr. Yamilé Molina is featured in this PACHE Spotlight Blog Post.  Click here to read more.

Black Cancer Matters – NYT Feature

To read more:


The LUNG FORCE “State of Lung Cancer”

The American Lung Association has launched a new report, LUNG FORCE “State of Lung Cancer.”  The LUNG FORCE “State of Lung Cancer” uses state-specific data and compares lung cancer incidence, survival, stage at diagnosis, surgical treatment and American College of Radiology accredited screening centers among states across the country. Through this report we will be able to identify trends and areas where states have the greatest need for added awareness and resources.

The report identifies potential interventions and provides a state-specific understanding of the burden of and opportunities to address lung cancer. The report includes state-specific measures of lung cancer incidence, five-year survival, stage at diagnosis, five-year survival by stage at diagnosis, surgery as part of the first course of treatment, and accredited lung cancer screening centers.  States were ranked for each measure. Information is also shown for state-specific radon zones, smoking prevalence and particle pollution.

Attached is a one-page infographic on Illinois and additional details for our state can be found here.

Spotlight on Disparities – Dr. Melissa Simon highlights Disparities in Chicago

To Learn more:

ChicagoCHEC Blog Series: OPEN for Submissions

The ChicagoCHEC Blog series is now open for submissions! We are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage

with our community partners and we would love to hear your voice.

Blog submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis and posted on the ChicagoCHEC website.

Please email [email protected] with additional questions.

New Skinny Trees Podcast Mini-Episode! Activism, Epidemiology, and the Vietnam War with Dr. Joe Feinglass

Check out Skinny Trees for a brand new (mini) episode led by Anika Jagasia, a rising high school Senior!


Student Blog: What’s a disparity? Equity? Incidence? A High-Schooler’s Experience at a Health Internship

By: Anika Jagasia

The life of a stereotypical intern can be summed up in one word – D I S O R G A N I Z E D.

When I think of the word internship, Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada immediately pops up into my head: her coffee runs, interactions between annoying co-workers, and writing hurriedly the myriad of tasks she had to do for Meryl Streep.

As the stream of anticipated worries continued to float around my mind, I plugged in the AUX and put on my go-to playlist. Spotify’s Good Vibes.

“Ma’am, do you need help, are you lost?”

I had to explain to the lady at the front desk that it was V I T A L that I not be late for my first day of my internship at Northwestern University’s Simon Laboratory where I would be assisting the Simon team.

After a mixed look of pity and sympathy, I stepped in the elevator and exited onto the 18th floor in front of two very heavy double doors. I grabbed one of the door handles, pushed it open, and was quite startled as both came apart with an unleashing amount of force, leading me to stumble back in surprise.

Five minutes later I was testing out how far back I could lean in my foamy office chair. Across from me sat my new cheery supervisor, Jen. While she explained the role of the Simon team–to promote health and healthcare equity for culturally diverse and underserved communities–she rattled off a few words I wasn’t familiar with. Uh oh. Inequities, Disparities, and Equity vs. Equality. After receiving a patient and thorough explanation I realized that some high schoolers like me don’t know these terms or the problems they entail.

…. Here is where my personal story ends and my post begins ….

 The Knowledge Gaps

I want to share some major problems that are in healthcare and what I’ve learned from them during my time in the Simon Lab this summer. By the time you finish reading this article, you will enter the loop of knowing the health dilemmas at hand, know how to continue spreading awareness through educating others, and even be exposed to opportunities through which you may pursue your interest in promoting healthcare equity. Here are the basics that I will cover: health inequities, disparities, and equity.

The first thing to know in promoting health equity is…you guessed it…equity.

Some people may assume that equity is the same thing as equality. However, surprisingly, there’s quite a large difference. You and your friends are at a track, lined up and ready to race each other. You’re all pumped up and ready to go, but you look over and realize your friend Blue–on the inner lane–has the biggest chance of winning since they have the shortest distance to run. Everyone starting at the same starting line was equal–but equality did not yield a fair race. To be equitable would have been to accommodate everyone’s position on the track so that they would run the same distance. So, to make the race fair Person Blue, Red, and Yellow would start at different points on the track to run the same distance. This is the difference between equality and equity. To be equal is giving everyone the same resources without regards to what they need or where they are starting from. To be equitable is to give everyone resources that take into consideration their individual needs and providing resources to them accordingly.

Now, going back to my first meeting with Jen, I will introduce you to a main focus in the Simon Lab – Health Disparities. Even though my knowledge was a bit too simplified to totally understand everything that Jen was saying, I grasped the fact that cancer disparities are a HUGE problem, especially in Chicago. For a moment, with all the new lingo I felt like I was living in A Devil Wears Prada Moment. I [Anne Hathaway] was standing in front of Jen [Meryl Streep] who was saying all this important information, but I was struggling to write it all down, eventually, giving up because there was too much to write.

Before we get into the projects that I would be doing relating to cancer disparities, I first had to understand what a health disparity is in general. I will admit that it took a few days of being immersed in my internship and working on cancer disparity projects to grasp what health and cancer disparities are.

Simply, a health disparity is a condition where there is a higher risk for Group A compared to Group B. I learned that it used to be believed, and sometimes still is, that it was biological or had to do with genetics. Unfortunately, the problem is more complicated than that in most cases. There are a myriad of factors that negatively affect groups of people: socioeconomic status, gender, age, disability, geographic location, and more.

It wasn’t until about 1980 that statistics showed that the average life expectancy for the US had grown by 25% to 75 years. While life expectancy was improving, minority groups faced shorter life expectancy, higher rates of cancer, diabetes, strokes, substance abuse, infant mortality, and lower birth weights. (To see some Cancer Disparities-specific statistics see the bottom of this post!)

A Call to Action to Improve Health Inequities – An Argument for Education

  • We need education. Truthfully, I was surprised to see how the issue of health disparities is so pressing, and – in high schools … my high school – it is not a common subject or element of most curriculum. But, we can’t blame our schools. I haven’t been exposed to many articles in the news talking about health disparities, or seen segments about it on TV, or read about it in magazines/newspapers. Is there enough current news on health disparities out there? Should we put out more articles on the topic to spread awareness? Regardless, we can do more to educate, especially the younger generation. Educating future generations about our battle with cancer disparities is one of the most effective methods we can use to put our foot down on these inequities. We need to offer opportunities to learn about persisting issues, which will inevitably be training our future generations how to tackle healthcare problems. Students as young as middle school need to learn about the persisting issue, so the future for cancer disparities doesn’t have to look so grim. As a result from the education and training individuals will receive, the level of community engagement will increase, and awareness will spread.
  • We – students – need to be engaged in our education and our careers. When I found the organization called CURE — an organization within the National Institutes of Health — I was wowed by how they took the future in improving cancer disparities to a new level. CURE’s mission, like many others, is to offer career development opportunities to strengthen and diversify the field of cancer disparities. The unique part of the organization is that students as young as middle school, high school, and even undergraduate students can work alongside scientists. How cool is that? This is where we see the step 2 and 3 involved–training and community engagement–and CURE incorporates all 3 Not only do they engage a  community, but include the whole nation! CURE understands that training the future generations is important and they are spreading awareness by offering these amazing opportunities for kids. Students can even have a mentor scientist or researcher!
  • We need more organizations to follow in ChicagoCHEC’s footsteps to help advocate for healthcare as a whole. Without organizations like ChicagoCHEC, health inequities would remain an issue, and perhaps proliferate into chaos.

So, what do you say, will you join in changing the future of cancer disparities?


Additional Resources:

About the Author

Anika Jagasia is a rising Senior at Latin School of Chicago. She worked in Dr. Melissa Simon’s Lab at Northwestern University – a lab focused on health inequities and social issues for underserved, low-income individuals – for the summer. Anika plans to attend college in the Summer 2018, with an interest in the Sciences. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect the views of Latin School of Chicago, Northwestern University, or ChicagoCHEC. Check out Skinny Trees Podcast: An Exploration of Health Inequities in & around Chicago in for an interview conducted by Anika with Dr. Joe Feinglass, a health services researcher, Professor, and long standing social activist.



  • Meryl Streep meme:
  • Equity/Equality Track:
  • Homer Simpson meme:




Start Spreading the Word! ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program – Cohort 3

In late 2017, we will release the call for applications for Cohort 3 of the ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program! Please feel free to hang the attached flyer in relevant areas of your organization/institution! For any questions, please contact [email protected]!


ResearchFellowsProgramRecruitmentFlyer2018 (002)

Student Blog: A Healthier Back of the Yards

A Healthier Back of the Yards: Increasing Services to Decrease Violence

By: Angel A. Jimenez

Shootings, death, and drugs: this is how Back of the Yards is portrayed in the media. There is a widely shared opinion that my community does not want to be helped, does not want to change, and is always looking for trouble. The Back of the Yards community is located in the south side of Chicago, which was once home to the Chicago Union Stockyards, most notably known because of The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair. Back of the Yards was home to Germans, Irish, and Czechs in the 1870s. Later, Poles, Lithuanians, and Slovaks would become the majority. Small numbers of Mexican immigrants arrived during the 1920s and World War 1. By the 1970s, when the Union Stockyards were closed, the community was primarily Mexican with a minority of African Americans. Today the Back of the Yards suffers from economic decline, social inequality, poor housing, and poor working conditions in nearby factories.

In a recent study conducted by the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, 369 people from my community were asked three questions: What are some mental health concerns you have? What are some barriers that are faced? Would you consider receiving emotional support? In this survey, it was found that some of the most prevalent concerns are depression, anxiety, isolation, and trauma. Furthermore, some barriers that were mentioned are the cost of health services, lack of insurance, language, stigma, and the lack of accessible services. Finally, 80% of those who were surveyed said that they would consider receiving emotional support if it was available in the community.  I believe this survey shows that my community wants help, is not looking for trouble, and wants change to happen.


It is very easy to point fingers and blame the violence in my community on the people that live there, however we – the residents of Back of the Yards – would like some answers. I noticed that several helpful community resources have recently been closed. Why was the mental health clinic closed? Why was the Healthcare Alternative Systems (HAS) organization’s office, which provided help to victims of domestic violence, anger management services, youth outreach, and many other services needed in the community, closed? Why do schools have to look for grants in order to better help the children in my community who suffer from various mental and emotional stresses? We ask for support and oftentimes are ignored and told that more police will help reduce the violence in the community because that is the biggest problem. The violence in the community does affect us and the trauma affects every part of our lives, but we also aren’t able to provide the appropriate support to help people deal with grief, anxiety, fear, and depression, among other mental health issues. In my opinion, that is the biggest problem in the Back of the Yards.

Fear and anxiety can make us do things that we cannot understand. Mental health institutions and organizations like HAS exist to help people learn how to cope with their fears and manage anger and stress. Recently, the Donald Trump administration’s immigration policies have incited a newfound level of anxiety and fear in the community. Not to mention, in the beginning months of this year, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were present in the neighborhood. People were afraid to leave their homes and did not feel comfortable participating in routine, everyday activities such as grocery shopping.

Mental health is not being properly addressed in the community and the effects are plaguing its residents, mostly youth. Around 34% of residents in the Back of the Yards are below the age of 19. An article I read for my biology class explained how poor mental health in children can be especially toxic. It can hinder their brain development and can also hinder their academic success in school. Sometimes children find themselves lost, not knowing where to go. As a result, they decide to find a new family on the streets. Children live out the stress and anxieties of their parents and they do not know how to work through and process everyday stressors.

 Call to Action: Creating a More Positive and Healthy Future

If our aldermen would provide funding for programs in schools and churches and create or re-open more programs focused on mental health, like HAS, we could provide a safe and nurturing environment for parents and children. More programs that are aimed at youth will help them transition from childhood to adulthood in an environment void of depression, anxiety, or grief. This will also equip our youth with the skills necessary to identify their feelings and develop a toolbox of strategies that they can use to help themselves and others. Then, when our youth get older, they can continue helping the generations that follow. There are already some existing programs in the neighborhood that are trying to help teens, but they are not able to help everyone. They require more funding, people, and space to be able to reach more families.

Before judging Back of the Yards solely on what is shown on television, I invite you to come visit us. Learn about our struggles, our fears, and sorrows, but also learn about the programs and people already making a difference in our community. Help us by committing time to our neighborhood. Bring workshops on mental health, share information with schools and institutions in the community, or help us develop and fund programs for our youth and families. Back of the Yards should not be known for its shootings and violence, it should be known for its resilience and its work towards creating a more positive and healthy future.

For more information about the Back of the Yards, please visit the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council website:

About Me

My name is Angel Jimenez. I am currently a sophomore at Whitney Young Magnet High School. I am a member of the Holy Cross/IHM Marimba Ensemble which is a group for youth from the Back of the Yards community, who are interested in music. The program was created in the early 90s to bring youth together through music. Each generation of marimba players learns music by ear and are taught by former marimba players. We volunteer our time and play at various events in the Chicagoland area. I am also entering my second year in UIC’s Medicina Academy Apprentice Program which guides and supports high school students in pursuing a career in medicine through seminars about college, medicine, inter/intrapersonal activities, and career opportunities in the healthcare field. I am interested in becoming a physician and possibly applying my love for music by exploring a career in music therapy and medical research. 

Staying Safe in the Sun

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC and ACCESS Community Health Network
Location: ACCESS Center for Discovery and Learning
Address: 5139 S Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60609
Email: [email protected]

To learn more about the event, click here.

HopeFest 2017

Join ChicagoCHEC and the UI Health Cancer Center at one of Chicago’s largest Back-to-School events – providing FREE Back packs and school supplies, immunizations and physicals (bring records), Social Service information around employment, education, insurance, immigration and housing, Hair-cuts and a BLOCK PARTY KidZone with bouncy houses, carnival games, candy, music and FUN!

If you would like to volunteer for the event, please email [email protected].  Learn more by clicking here.


July 7, 2017: A Community Dialogue with Family Members of Henrietta Lacks

Join us for a very special program with the family members of Henrietta Lacks

Friday, July 7, 2017

11 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

 (Lunch is from 11am – 12pm; talks and panel discussion from 12-2:15pm; and book signing and film screening of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from 2:15 – 4:15pm)

UI Health Cancer Center invites you to a special community dialog with family members of Henrietta Lacks as they discuss the era of precision medicine, and the relationships between patients and medical researchers. The discussion will include:

  • Lacks family members: (Henrietta Lacks’ daughter-in-law, Shirley Lacks; Lacks’ granddaughter, Jeri Lacks Whye and Lacks’ great granddaughter, Veronica Robinson)
  • Robert A. Barish, MD, MBA, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs & Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Robert A. Winn, MD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Community Based Practice; Director, UI Health Cancer Center
  • Dara P. Richardson-Heron, MD, Chief Engagement Officer, National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program
  • Karriem S. Watson, DHSc, MS, MPH, Director of Community Engaged Research and Implementation Science, UI Health Cancer Center
  • Lisa Anderson-Shaw, DrPH, MA, MSN, Director of the Clinical Ethics Consult Service, UI Health
  • Ashish Ansal, MD, Family Medicine, Mile Square Health Center, Englewood
  • UI Health Patient Brigade Members RoseMarie Rogers and Carol Gyimatey

Admission is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Registration is required.


March 24, 2017: Health over Coffee Time/Cafe, salud y vida Radio Show Features ChicagoCHEC and the NCI

Sandra San Miguel from the National Cancer Institute, Melinda Monge, Community Health Educator from ChicagoCHEC and Colon Cancer Survivor Cristina Mendiola join “Health over Coffee Time/Cafe, salud y vida” with Dr. Elena Navas to discuss colorectal cancer awareness month.  The interview is in both English and Spanish.

The interview will air this coming Friday 3/24 at 10 am and 5 pm (CST)!  


7th International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA7) at NEIU

May 3rd – May 5th, 2017
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago, IL USA

Deadline for Abstracts is Friday, March 17th, 2017
Faculty/Researcher Abstracts for Oral Presentations must be submitted to:
Elena Navas-Nacher, PhD, MS
[email protected]

Students Abstracts for Poster Presentations:
Emma Turian, PhD
[email protected]

Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) and Northeastern Illinois University cordially invite you to participate in the 7th ICRA Conference. 

Continuing in the spirit of six earlier meetings organized by the ISI Committee on Risk Analysis (ISI-CRA) of the International Statistical Institute, this year’s conference focuses on Cancer-Related Risk Analysis.

The Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) will host ICRA7 at Northeastern Illinois University’s Main Campus located at 5500 N. St. Louis Ave in Chicago, USA. Registration is now open and early registration is encouraged. 

The format for the meeting will include plenary talks, organized sessions, and sessions with contributed talks and posters. The conference includes keynote presentations by world-renowned scientists. Students are encouraged to enter a poster competition and present their projects to conference attendees. There are no events scheduled simultaneously so you will not miss anything. A Gala Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 4th and will feature a keynote presentation, a student poster award ceremony and live entertainment.

The ICRA7 will be followed by NEIU’s 10th Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling, which will begin at 1:00PM on Friday, May 5th, 2017 and continues through Saturday, May 6th, 2017 at Northeastern Illinois University’s Main Campus. For general conference information please email [email protected].

To learn more about the event, please visit the website.


The Truth About Colon Cancer

Join us for a special event with leading experts to help you learn about your risks, why screening matters and how to take important steps toward prevention.

Wednesday, March 15th
1:00-3:30 p.m.

ACCESS Center for
Discovery and Learning
5139 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL 60609
RSVP to Shawn Foster
at 773.247.2435
or via email at
[email protected]

Dr. Melissa Simon Appointed to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

MEDIA CONTACT: Kristin Samuelson at 847-491-4888 or [email protected]
FOR RELEASE: February 13, 2017
Northwestern physician joins panel that makes evidence-based recommendations on clinical preventive services
• Task Force makes evidence-based recommendations for preventive screenings, counseling services and medications
• Simon said appointment is “an amazing, pie-in-the-sky career goal”
CHICAGO — Dr. Melissa Simon, the George H. Gardner Professor of Clinical Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, has been appointed to a national task force that makes recommendations on clinical preventive services, including screenings, counseling, and preventive medications on topics such as cancer and diabetes.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent, volunteer panel of 16 national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine whose members come from many fields of preventive medicine and primary care, including internal medicine, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, behavioral health and nursing.

The appointment is “an amazing, pie-in-the sky career goal,” said Simon, who also is the vice chair for clinical research in the department of obstetrics and gynecology and a professor in the departments of preventive medicine and medical social sciences at Feinberg. She began her four-year term with two other new members on Jan. 1.

The Task Force makes evidence-based recommendations on clinical preventive services for primary care clinicians and their patients.
“It’s quite a huge honor to be able to represent primary care providers, especially in the area of women’s health – and specifically in the area of obstetrics and gynecology – while at the same time championing recommendations that meet the needs of diverse populations at a national level,” Simon said.

Simon also is director of the Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative, a National Cancer Institute-funded initiative to reduce cancer disparities in Chicago’s low-income neighborhoods.

“On behalf of my fellow Task Force members, I am happy to welcome Dr. Simon to the Task Force,” said Task Force chair Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo. “Her expertise in improving the health of women, racially/ethnically diverse communities and vulnerable populations will be a valuable addition to the Task Force.”

“I am proud to congratulate Dr. Simon on her new appointment,” said Dr. Eric G. Neilson, vice president for Medical Affairs and Lewis Landsberg Dean at Feinberg. “Melissa is a skilled physician and a passionate advocate for health equity, preventive medicine and women’s health, and I am confident that her skills and experience will be an invaluable asset to the work of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.”
To learn more about Dr. Simon and all members of the Task Force, visit the USPSTF’s members page.

Resources for Community & Academic Partners!



Events, Funding Opportunities, Calls for Paper and other Resources are all your fingertips in the monthly bulletin provided by the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (arcc), a program from Northwestern University’s Center for Community Health.

To see arcc’s December bulletin, click here.

To see other valuable resources from arcc (specifically for our community partners), click here.



Apply to become a ChicagoCHEC Research Fellow

Research Fellows 2017 flyer

We are excited to announce that the ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows program is now accepting applications! This program is geared toward first-generation and underrepresented minority students interested in health or research careers. Apply soon – deadline for applications is February 15, 2017.

About the ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program
The ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program is a comprehensive learning experience for undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students at Northeastern Illinois University, University of Illinois at Chicago, Northwestern University, City Colleges of Chicago, and other Community/ Junior Colleges in the Chicago metropolitan area. We are seeking outstanding undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students with an interest in health and health care who possess the commitment to apply to graduate or medical school and can bring diverse perspectives and experiences to advance the nation’s work toward cancer health equity. ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will spend the summer in seminars and research rotations learning from leading scientists. Following the summer intensive program, ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will have the option to be matched with a research mentor and research project during the academic year.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2017

Program Dates
June 19 – August 11, 2018: summer intensive experience
Fall 2017: optional research team placement

How to Apply 
Please visit the ChicagoCHEC website for eligibility & application instructions:

Email us at [email protected]

Check out Skinny Trees: A Podcast About the Exploration of Health Equity In & Around Chicago!

Want to learn more about health equities in your city? Do you enjoy podcasts? Check out Skinny Trees, a podcast born out of ChicagoCHEC that aims to continue the conversation about health equities in and around Chicago.

To learn more, check out Episode 1 features Dr. Melissa Simon, ChicagoCHEC Northwestern University Principal Investigator, discussing how to decipher the nuances of health equity language.

Local cancer collaborative progress announced at symposium

Click here for our Community Benefits Report, highlighting the first year of our partnership.

CHICAGO – Six separate research projects into cancer health in Chicago’s underserved communities have been funded in the past year, the Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) announced at its first annual community report and symposium on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Chicago’s Malcolm X College.

The studies address disparities ranging from breast cancer among Hispanic women to prostate cancer in the African-American community.

Led by researchers from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Northeastern Illinois University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, ChicagoCHEC is a groundbreaking collaborative that fosters meaningful cancer research, education, training and outreach within the city’s underserved communities.

“Health inequities that harm Latinos, African-Americans and other underserved communities occur in many areas, including cancer, and ChicagoCHEC is dedicated to reducing and eliminating these disparities,” said Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, the event’s closing keynote speaker. “In addition to access to medical care as a basic human right, this collaborative looks to address the underlying conditions that cause these disparities by bringing together academic, health care and community organizations to work to achieve cancer health equity.”

Through activities such as the symposium, ChicagoCHEC is setting a new standard among funded projects by keeping the community informed on its progress and soliciting feedback about how to most effectively approach cancer disparity research differently. It is supported by a five-year, $17.4 million grant from the National Cancer Institute.

According to data from the Illinois Department of Public Health, low-income Chicago communities that are predominantly African-American or Latino face cancer death rates up to double the national average.

“Our goal is to transform how community engagement and research are conducted, thus changing the architecture of how we collectively improve health equity,” said Dr. Melissa A. Simon, the George H. Gardner, MD, Professor of Clinical Gynecology in obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and co-director of the Lurie Cancer Center’s Cancer Control and Survivorship Research Program.

“In addition to community and institutional partnerships, supporting collaborative research to improve cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and survivorship is an essential element of this partnership,” said Christina Ciecierski, associate professor of economics at Northeastern Illinois University.

Of the six research projects funded in the past year, the three projects originally funded with the grant in October 2015 have made significant progress.

The Choose to Change project tests a new approach to reducing cigarette smoking among patients of Near North Health Services Corporation, a large safety net community health center in Chicago. Researchers on the project are closing first-round tests of a new one-step electronic referral and feedback system that connects more smokers from federally qualified health centers to free smoking cessation treatment at the Illinois Tobacco Quitline.

The WeCanConnect pilot aims to develop and evaluate a mobile app to promote peer support and information sharing among people with pre-existing disabilities who have been diagnosed with cancer by matching them to cancer survivor peers in the disability community. Experts in cancer care for people with disabilities (many of whom are cancer survivors with disabilities themselves) and members of the disability community are currently providing critical insights into their needs and priorities. As part of the project, UI Health’s Mile Square Health Center and the Program for Healthcare Justice for People with Disabilities will host ScreenABLE Saturday: A Celebration of Wellness for Women with Disabilities on Oct. 15.  The centerpiece of ScreenABLE Saturday will be free accessible cancer screening for women with disabilities who are 22 percent less likely to get screening mammograms than their non-disabled peers.

The Mi Guía (My Guide) study aims to create and evaluate a smartphone app for English or Spanish-speaking Hispanic women completing treatment for breast cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer-related death for Hispanic women. Through the Mi Guía app, Hispanic breast cancer survivors will receive culturally relevant information to help them improve cancer-related symptoms and health-related quality of life. A group of breast cancer survivors has provided initial feedback to help refine content and design of the app.

Three newer research projects, funded in May of this year, are still in the organizational stages. These projects address prostate cancer disparities among African-American men, obesity intervention development for Puerto Rican and Mexican men, and colorectal cancer disparities on Chicago’s South Side.

“The racial and ethnic disparities in health care outcomes are an alarming and urgent public health issue,” said Dr. Robert Winn, associate vice president for community-based practice at UI Health, director of the University of Illinois Cancer Center and professor of medicine at the UIC College of Medicine. “We know the traditional top-down approach isn’t working, so it’s time to engage with the community in a new way to end these disparities.”

The Community Steering Committee of ChicagoCHEC is at the heart of the coalition’s efforts, according to Dr. Moira Stuart, associate professor of health, physical education, recreation and athletics at Northeastern.

“The 20-plus key community stakeholders on the committee represent the diversity of Chicago communities related to race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability,” Stuart said. “Our community steering committee is central to guiding the strategic efforts to foster meaningful partnerships across Chicago communities.” Click here for a Spanish article from La Raza highlighting the work of ChicagoCHEC Steering Committee Member Esther Sciammarella from the Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition.  

The symposium featured a panel of public health care providers, a town hall forum and networking opportunities to mobilize Chicago communities in the areas of cancer survivorship, health care access and delivery, research and clinical trials, community capacity building and cancer health education.

During the town hall, community members expressed the desire to ensure they continue to be part of the conversation about improving health outcomes, to address language barriers in medical treatment and to engage with academic research activities. Click here for an interview of community members and breast cancer survivors Maria Constance Medina and Maria Mercedes Reyes from Spanish Public Radio by Dr. Elena Navas.

Dr. Linda Rae Murray, the former chief medical officer of Cook County Health and Hospital System, and breast cancer survivor Roz Varon, the Emmy Award-winning traffic and transportation anchor for ABC 7, delivered keynote speeches.  Click here for video of Roz Varon at the Symposium from ABC 7. 

The symposium served to kick off a series of local community events taking place in Chicago through 2016 and 2017.

By Kristin Samuelson

New ChicagoCHEC funding opportunity!

We are excited to announce that our ChicagoCHEC Incubator and Catalyst Funding Program’s 2016-2017 Request for Proposals is now open. One of the most important needs for growing an idea is early stage funding. Do you need seed funds to take your cancer disparities project to the next step? The ChicagoCHEC Research Incubator / Catalyst Funding Program supports transdisciplinary cancer disparities research in behavioral and social science, basic, biomedical, and translational science. These awards are intended to foster cross-institutional collaborations among investigator teams from NEIU, UIC, Northwestern, and community partner(s). ChicagoCHEC funding opportunities consist of:

  • Partnership Development Incubator Grants: 1 year seed funding of up to $40,000 to jumpstart partnerships to develop research across the three institutions and with community partners.
  • Proposal Development Incubator Grants: 1 year seed funding of up to $40,000 to help teams progress from partnership phase to proposal writing phase.
  • Pilot Project Catalyst Grants: awards of up to $120,000 per year for 2 years across the three institutions and community partner(s).

This is a unique funding opportunity that requires involvement from all three institutions (NEIU, UIC, Northwestern) and a community stakeholder. ChicagoCHEC offers help linking interested people with potential collaborators across institutions and communities.

A pre-proposal consultation meeting with ChicagoCHEC is due December 15, 2016 and applications are due January 15, 2017. For more information please see the Request for Proposals or email [email protected].

ChicagoCHEC’s first annual report will raise cancer awareness in Chicago’s minority communities

CHICAGO — The Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC), a National Cancer Institute-funded initiative to reduce cancer disparity in Chicago’s low-income neighborhoods, will host its First Annual Community Report and Symposium from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Chicago’s Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Jackson Blvd.

The free, all-day symposium will be open to the public and provide a detailed look at the ongoing work of the ChicagoCHEC partnership, led by researchers from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago and Northeastern Illinois University.

According to data from the Illinois Department of Public Health, low-income Chicago communities that are predominantly African-American or Latino face cancer death rates up to double the national average.

“We’re establishing an innovative, community-driven and collaborative platform to foster meaningful cancer research, education, training and outreach across the Metropolitan Chicagoland area,” said Dr. Melissa A. Simon, the George H. Gardner, MD, Professor of Clinical Gynecology in obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and co-director of the Lurie Cancer Center’s Cancer Control and Survivorship Research Program. “Our goal is to transform how community engagement and research are conducted, thus changing the architecture of how we collectively improve health equity.”

The symposium will feature a panel of public health care providers, a town hall forum and networking opportunities to mobilize Chicago communities in the areas of cancer survivorship, health care access and delivery, research and clinical trials, community capacity building and cancer health education.

A diverse panel of cancer survivors will discuss their journeys, including how they have accessed services and how community organizations have supported them.

Dr. Linda Rae Murray, the former chief medical officer from Cook County Health and Hospital System, and breast cancer survivor Roz Varon, the Emmy Award-winning traffic/transportation anchor for ABC 7, will deliver keynote speeches at the event. Cook County Commissioner, 7th District, Jesus Garcia will deliver the final keynote address to close the event.

“The racial and ethnic disparities in health care outcomes are an alarming and urgent public health issue,” said Dr. Robert Winn, associate vice president for community-based practice at UI Health, director of the University of Illinois Cancer Center and professor of medicine at the UIC College of Medicine. “As we seek to end these disparities in Chicago, I am excited that three institutions are at the table — together with the community — asking how can we can better conduct research and reach diverse communities. We know the traditional top-down approach isn’t working, so it’s time to engage with the community in a new way.”

The community steering committee of ChicagoCHEC is at the heart of the coalition’s efforts, according to Dr. Moira Stuart, associate professor of health, physical education, recreation and athletics at Northeastern.

“The 20-plus key community stakeholders on the committee represent the diversity of Chicago communities related to race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability,” Stuart said. “Our community steering committee is central to guiding the strategic efforts to foster meaningful partnerships across Chicago communities.”

According to Christina Ciecierski, associate professor of economics at Northeastern Illinois University:

“In addition to community and institutional partnerships, supporting collaborative research to improve cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and survivorship is an essential element of this partnership.”

Joanne Glenn, co-chair of the ChicagoCHEC community steering committee, said she attended the town hall meeting last year that launched ChicagoCHEC because she wanted to hear about an effort that didn’t just “talk the talk.”

“ChicagoCHEC is a first-of-its-kind collaboration across academia, research and community in the Midwest, and I am honored to be involved in something that is addressing and identifying the community needs by involving diverse community partners and constituents,” Glenn said. “Thanks for ‘walking the walk,’ CHEC.”

The Symposium will kick off a series of local community events taking place in Chicago through 2016 and 2017. More information about ChicagoCHEC, the symposium and event registration can be found on

By Kristin Samuelson

RSVP for ChicagoCHEC’s First Annual Community Report & Symposium

Join us on Thursday, September 29, from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM at Malcolm X College (1900 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60612) for Keeping Cancer In CHEC: Bridging Communities Through Education, Healthcare, And Research, ChicagoCHEC’s First Annual Community Report & Symposium.  Cancer researchers, medical providers, students, community-based organizations, and community members will come together to report ChicagoCHEC’s accomplishments in addressing cancer issues and lead the call to action to address cancer inequities in Chicagoland communities. There is no fee to attend this event and space is limited.

Click here to RSVP

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ChicagoCHEC Catalyst & Incubator Grant Recipients

The ChicagoCHEC Catalyst & Incubator Grant Program is pleased to announce the 2016 grant recipients.  All investigative teams have proposed novel approaches to addressing cancer disparities and are devoted to advancing cancer health equity through cross-collaboration, high-quality research and unwavering dedication to training and education. It is anticipated that all projects supported by the ChicagoCHEC Catalyst & Incubator Grant Program expand to become larger, long-term grants such as R01s.

Project 1 (Partnership Development Grant):
Reducing Colorectal Cancer Disparities on the South Side of Chicago through Cross-Institutional Collaboration

Principle Investigators: Danielle Lazar, AM, DrPH Candidate (Access Community Health Network), Kenzie Cameron, PhD (Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University), Hardik Marfatia, PhD (Northeastern Illinois University), Shan Wang, PhD (Northeastern Illinois University), Kameron Matthews, MD, JD (University of Illinois Chicago), Karriem Watson, DHSc (University of Illinois Chicago)

Project 2 (Proposal Development Grant):
Community-Engaged Obesity Intervention Development for Puerto Rican and Mexican Men

Principle Investigators: Lisa Sanchez-Johnsen, PhD (University of Illinois Chicago), Magdalena Nava, BA (Puerto Rican Cultural Center), Leonilda Calderon, BA (Puerto Rican Cultural Center), Amanda Dykema-Engblade, PhD (Northeastern Illinois University), Alfred Rademaker, PhD (Lurie Cancer Center)

Project 3 (Pilot Project Catalyst Grant):
Prostate Cancer Disparity in Chicago-Area African American Men: Patient-derived Models and Biomarkers of Cancer Risk

Principle Investigators: Larisa Nonn, PhD (University of Illinois Chicago), Sarki Abdulkadir, MD, PhD (Lurie Cancer Center), Cindy Voisine, PhD (Northeastern Illinois University), Adam Murphy, MD (Lurie Cancer Center / Jesse Brown VA), Marcus Murray, BA (Project Brotherhood)

For more information on the ChicagoCHEC Catalyst & Incubator Grant Program, please visit The RFA for 2017 funding will be available in late-December 2016.

About ChicagoCHEC

The Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) is a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer partnership led by the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Northeastern Illinois University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Our mission is to advance cancer health equity through meaningful scientific discovery, education, training, and community engagement.

ChicagoCHEC Summer Research Fellows Program: University Without Walls

research fellows

On June 20, 2016, the Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) kicked off their inaugural Summer Research Fellows Program — a comprehensive, paid eight-week summer learning experience for undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students from Northeastern Illinois University, Northwestern University, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and the City Colleges of Chicago (CCC).

Focused on developing academic, technical, and professional skills, the Fellows Program will help prepare a new generation of leaders for careers in social, behavioral and biomedical research, and in healthcare. ChicagoChec Research Fellows will gain important knowledge, skills and networks through immersion experiences, group projects and journal clubs. In addition, one-on-one, group, and near-peer mentoring will guide their progress in becoming researchers and healthcare professionals who can bring diverse perspectives and experiences to advance the nation’s work toward cancer health equity. At the conclusion of the program, Fellows will have learned fundamental research practices and methodologies, pertinent research content topics (e.g. cancer inequity and recruitment of underserved minorities in clinical trials), social contexts for health inequity across the cancer continuum, and critical professional development practices and networks.

The Summer Research Fellows Program leverages the expertise of the scholars, cancer researchers, health professionals, and institutional and community leaders who participate as guest lecturers, project mentors, and site visit hosts. According to the physician-scientists and researchers who lead ChicagoCHEC — Northwestern University’s Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, UIC’s Robert Winn, MD, and Northeastern Illinois University’s Christina Ciecierski, PhD, and Moira Stuart, PhD — the program provides an opportunity to do things differently than they’ve been done in the past. That is, to move the needle on health equity by expanding opportunities to the next generation in a way that changes the architecture of collaboration, community engagement, and the culture of research education.

“The Summer Research Fellows program is a first-of-its-kind program to advance research, leadership, and community-engagement capabilities in this high-potential group of first-generation, underrepresented minority and non-traditional college students,” said Simon, the George H. Gardner, MD, Professor of Clinical Gynecology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Co-Leader of the Lurie Cancer Center’s Cancer Control and Survivorship Program. “The interest in ChicagoCHEC’s first program was so great that we were inspired to create an Affiliates Program as a pipeline for participants in the future.”

Funding support for ChicagoCHEC is provided by the National Cancer Institute (grants U54CA202995, U54CA202997, and U54CA203000).

About ChicagoCHEC

The Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) is a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer partnership led by the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Northeastern Illinois University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Our mission of ChicagoCHEC is to advance cancer health equity through meaningful scientific discovery, education, training, and community engagement.