Past Events

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COVID-19 and its Impact on Beauty Industry Professionals

Sponsor/Host: Dr. H. Steven Sims

The  webinar will discuss COVID-19 and how to protect you and your family. We will also feature South Shore business owners, Catrice Moore and Curtis Eskridge. Salons, barber shops, spas, massage studios, and wellness clinics everywhere are making hard decisions on what to do considering the Corona Virus and COVID-19 pandemic. During this webinar we will share a few resources on what to consider over the next few days and weeks to come as you prepare to address the needs of your clients and community in the future amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.

See details to join:
Meeting number: 808 484 566
Join by phone: +1-312-535-8110 (Chicago)
Access code: 808 484 566

Anxiety with Cancer During a Pandemic Webinar

Sponsor/Host: Chicago Academic Cancer Center Community Engagement Collaborative (CACCCEC)
More information: View Event Page »

The webinar will feature Mr. Chris Balmaceda, LCSW, OSW-C, a social worker in

supportive oncology. He is part of the Northwestern Medical Group, Northwestern

Medicine Lou and Jean Malnati Brain Tumor Institute of the Robert H. Lurie

Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University at Northwestern Memorial


Friday, May 1, 2020 Time: 12:00 to 12:30 pm

Registration Link 

Hosted by the Chicago Academic Cancer Center Community Engagement Collaborative (CACCCEC) – A collaborative between the Lurie Cancer Center, UChicago’s Comprehensive Cancer Center and the University of Illinois Cancer Center’s Community Engagement Teams.



Wellness House with Mile Square – Yoga for Cancer

Location: Online Class
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Message from Wellness House:

Welcome to online programs! Feel free to join any class that has a registration link. All of our classes are provided at no cost! Programs for the next week are uploaded every Friday morning. If you’re new to Wellness House and want to learn more about our programs or have questions about registration or classes that require pre-registration, please contact our reception desk at 630-323-5150 or [email protected]. We’re here to help you get started.

Interested in online fitness classes? Register here for a FREE online yoga class with Wellness House with Mile Square!

Wellness House with Mile Square – Sobrevivientes Saludables: Manteniendo la Salud mental en Casa

Location: Online Webinar
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Message from Wellness House:

Welcome to online programs! Feel free to join any class that has a registration link. All of our classes are provided at no cost! Programs for the next week are uploaded every Friday morning. If you’re new to Wellness House and want to learn more about our programs or have questions about registration or classes that require pre-registration, please contact our reception desk at 630-323-5150 or [email protected]. We’re here to help you get started.

Topic: Healthy Survivors. Register here for this online webinar on maintaining your mental health and well-being in your home.

Wellness House with Mile Square – Yoga for Cancer

Location: Online Class
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Message from Wellness House:

Welcome to online programs! Feel free to join any class that has a registration link. All of our classes are provided at no cost! Programs for the next week are uploaded every Friday morning. If you’re new to Wellness House and want to learn more about our programs or have questions about registration or classes that require pre-registration, please contact our reception desk at 630-323-5150 or [email protected]. We’re here to help you get started.

Interested in online fitness classes? Register here for a FREE online yoga class with Wellness House with Mile Square!

Gentle, beginner and restorative yoga postures designed to reduce cancer related side effects. No prior yoga experience is needed. All equipment provided for use during class. Chair modifications will be offered for standing and mat-based postures, if needed. An Informed Consent Waiver is required for all mind/body movement participants and will be provided in class.

Wellness House with Mile Square – Tai Chi

Location: Online Class
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Message from Wellness House:

Welcome to online programs! Feel free to join any class that has a registration link. All of our classes are provided at no cost! Programs for the next week are uploaded every Friday morning. If you’re new to Wellness House and want to learn more about our programs or have questions about registration or classes that require pre-registration, please contact our reception desk at 630-323-5150 or [email protected]. We’re here to help you get started.

Interested in online fitness classes? Register here for a FREE online Tai Chi class with Mile Square.

Seminar Series – Policy Brief Webinar

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC
Location: Online
More information: View Event Page »

Virtual Zoom Live Cancer Support Group

Sponsor/Host: Sisters Working it Out
Location: Online

Encore Presentation: COVID-19 Impact on the Cancer Care Delivery Ecosystem

Sponsor/Host: Association for Value-Based Cancer Care (AVBCC)
Location: Online
More information: View Event Page »

Central time zone: 4:30PM-7:30PM

Virtual Discussion: Community-Engaged Research Partnerships During COVID-19

Sponsor/Host: Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC)
Location: Online
More information: View Event Page »

Community-Engaged Research Partnerships During COVID-19: Staying True to Principles of Engagement in Community-Engaged Research Partnerships during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) at Northwestern University supports and promotes community-engaged research partnerships. During the COVID-19 pandemic, community-academic research collaborations need to consider how the pandemic is impacting health and equity in their communities and how research projects and partnerships can adjust in response to this crisis.


Sponsor/Host: Northeastern Illinois University
Location: NEIU El Centro
Address: 3390 N Avondale Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
More information: View Event Page »


Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB)
Address: Room 4175, 909 S Wolcott Ave Chicago
More information: View Event Page »

Women in Science Conference

Sponsor/Host: Northeastern Illinois University
Location: NEIU Main Campus
Address: 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60625
More information: View Event Page »

Women in Science is Northeastern Illinois University’s annual conference celebrating women in the sciences. This year, the conference focuses on women in the field of chemistry. The conference will include keynote and plenary speakers, a career panel, a scientific art and media display and competition, hands-on, chemistry-based learning activities, and a theater performance about Marie Curie at the end of the day.

Free Webinar “A Jury of Peers: Untangling D&I Grant Reviews with the People Who Chair Them” featuring Dr. Melissa Simon

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: NCI
Location: Online Webinar
More information: View Event Page »

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019

On Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 2:00 – 3:00pm CST, Dr. David Chambers will be joined by Drs. Bartels, Brownson, and Simon who have all served as past Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (DIRH) Study Section Chairs and will share insights gleaned from their collective leadership of the peer review committee. We will delve into how the standard NIH review criteria may be interpreted in the context of DIRH, including how concepts of significance and innovation are considered, and draw from our participants a range of questions about the review process through the eyes of those who lead the effort.

This session rounds out our trio of grantsmanship webinars and is preceded by an early-October session featuring investigators who used career development awards to grow implementation science capacity and a late-October session featuring investigators who have shared their successful grant applications in our DCCPS Sample Grant repository, responding to broader questions about their paths to successful funding as well as speaking to the portions of their applications they found the most challenging .


Dr. Melissa Simon

Organization: Northwestern University

Dr. Ross C. Brownson

Organization: Washington University in St. Louis

Dr. Stephen J. Bartels

Organization: Massachusetts General Hospital

The 4th Bi-Annual Breast Cancer Event-Anambra Women United

Sponsor/Host: Anambra Women United
Location: Serbian Social Center
Address: 18550 Stony Island Avenue, Lansing, IL 60438
More information: View Event Page »


Susan G. Komen Chicago 2019 Annual Gala: All Bets on Pink

Sponsor/Host: Susan G. Komen Chicago
Location: Palmer House Hilton | Grand Ballroom
Address: 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60603
More information: View Event Page »


Sponsor/Host: The Center for Health Equity Research Chicago (CHER Chicago)
Location: AKArama Foundation
Address: 6220 S. Ingleside Ave, Chicago, IL
More information: View Event Page »

American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

Sponsor/Host: American Cancer Society
Location: Soldier Field Stadium Green
Address: 1410 S Museum Campus Dr Chicago, IL
More information: View Event Page »

11th Annual Celebration of Life Fundraiser Dinner

Sponsor/Host: Tatisa C. Joiner Foundation
Location: Embassy Suites,
Address: 5500 North River Road Rosemont, Illinois
More information: View Event Page »

6th Annual Peace March this Friday!

Sponsor/Host: Marshall Square Resource Network
Address: 2831 W 24th Blvd
More information: View Event Page »

Fourth Annual ChicagoCHEC Community Forum

Sponsor/Host: Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC)
Location: Truman College
Address: 1145 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL 60640
Email: [email protected]

Click here for more information and to RSVP:
Para mas información y confirmar su asistencia, siga el enlace:


¡Vive tu Vida! Get Up! Get Moving!

Sponsor/Host: Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition (CHHC)
Location: McKinley Park
Address: 2210 W. Pershing Road
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

2019 Illinois Cancer Partnership Annual Meeting

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Cancer Partnership
Location: Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation
Address: 228 West Miller St., Springfield, IL 62702
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

2019 Illinois Cancer Partnership Annual Meeting Registration Link:

 Scholarships Available – Register NOW!

Hope Light foundation has donated 20 scholarship opportunities for students and interns to attend the 2019 Illinois Cancer Partnership Annual Meeting. The scholarship application can be accessed at the link above. Please complete the scholarship application and return it to [email protected] and [email protected]. Recipients will be notified on or before May 31, 2019.  

Cancer Impacts All of Us: A Conversation With Survivors

Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center, Peer Plus and ChicagoCHEC
Location: University of Illinois at Chicago Student Center West
Address: 828 S. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, IL 60612
More information: View Event Page »

Mammogram Party: Join us for mammograms, food, health information, support

Sponsor/Host: Sisters Working It Out (SWIO), University of Illinois Cancer Center,Mile Square Health Center , Mi-Mamo Program and ChicagoCHEC
Location: Mile Square Health Center
Address: 1220 South Wood St., Chicago, IL 60612


Butterfly Stroll, May 2019

Sponsor/Host: Tatisa C. Joiner Foundation and W.O.T Foundation
Location: Gather at the fountain on the corner of 51st and Drexel
More information: View Event Page »

Cancer Prevention and Control Program Talk

Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center and Institute for Health Research and Policy
Location: Room 461
Address: 1747 Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL 60608
More information: View Event Page »

Fourth Annual Faith, Health, And Research Dialogue

Sponsor/Host: Chicago State University
Location: Chicago State University Library, 4th Floor
Address: 9501 S King Dr, Chicago, IL 60628
More information: View Event Page »

Colorectal Cancer Webinar

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health
Location: Webinar
More information: View Event Page »

The Illinois Department of Public Health invites you to the fourth, and final, webinar in a series to commemorate National Minority Health Month.

Colorectal Cancer


Lisa Aponte-Soto, PhD, MHA

Associate Director of Community Engaged Research

Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Community Based Practice

Research Scientist

University of Illinois Cancer Center


Barbara Williams, MPH

Clinical Research Coordinator

Patient Navigator (Breast, Cervical, Colon, and Lung)


Candace Henley, CPN

Chief Surviving Officer

The Blue Hat Foundation


Learning Objectives

  • Acquire background knowledge about the colorectal cancer outcomes and screening practices
  • Learn strategies for navigating patients to colorectal cancer screening using a patient navigator model at FQHCs
  • Attain tactics for building community partnerships to promote patient screening and support services
  • Receive resources for patient support services
  • Hear a colorectal cancer survivor’s testimonial

Join Webex Meeting

Meeting number (access code): 807 098 379
Meeting password: S6FtxKc7

Join from a video system or application
Dial [email protected]
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
+1-240-454-0879 USA Toll
Global call-in numbers

Research: What’s Community Got to Do with It? A Workshop on Building Research Partnerships

Sponsor/Host: CCTS, Office of Community Engagement and Neighborhood Health Partnerships, University of Illinois Cancer Center, UIC School of Public Health and UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy
Location: UIC College of Nursing
Address: 3rd Floor Event Center, 845 S Damen Avenue, Chicago Il 60612
More information: View Event Page »


National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Sponsor/Host: CFHC and the American Cancer Society
Location: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Address: 3200 E. 91st St., Chicago, IL 60617

Please join us for a community event in observance of the National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Cecil, our inflatable colon, will be there. Come learn about colon health and cancer screening!

Diversity in Clinical Trials Roundtable Discussion – Building a Diverse Workforce Pipeline in Clinical Trials

Sponsor/Host: Pfizer in partnership with National Urban League and Chicago Urban League
Location: Chicago Urban League
Address: 4510 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago IL 60653



2018 IDPH School Health Days – November 28, 2018

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program
Location: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center
Address: 200 S. Bell School Rd., Rockford IL 61108

ScreenABLE Saturday

Sponsor/Host: UIC Program for Healthcare Justice for People with Disabilities, ChicagoCHEC, UI Health (Mile Square Health Center)
Location: University of Illinois Health System - Mile Square Health Center
Address: 1220 S Wood St, Chicago, IL, 60608
More information: View Event Page »


2018 IDPH School Health Days – November 15, 2018

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program
Location: Doubletree by Hilton Chicago
Address: 75 W. Algonquin Rd, Arlington Heights IL 60005

Mission: HPV Cancer Free

Sponsor/Host: American Cancer Society
Location: Malcolm X College
Address: 1900 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago IL 60612

Shine Light on Lung Cancer

Sponsor/Host: Memorial Regional Cancer Center & Shine a Light Lung Cancer Alliance
Location: Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation, Curtis Theatre Classroom
Address: 228 W. Miller St., Springfield IL

2018 IDPH School Health Days – November 14, 2018

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program
Location: Hyatt - Lisle
Address: 1400 Corporetum Dr., Lisle IL 60532

2018 IDPH School Health Days – November 9, 2018

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program
Location: Erin's Pavilion at Southwind Park
Address: 4965 S. Second St., Springfield IL 627023

ARCC Town Hall

Sponsor/Host: Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities
Location: Lawndale Christian Conference Center
Address: 3750 W. Ogden Ave
Email: [email protected]

 Join for meaningful community & academic engagement across the research spectrum to improve health equity.

 Invite open to all Chicagoland community (community, faith, patient, public) & academic stakeholders (Northwestern faculty, staff, trainees/students).

 Help cheer ARCC’s first 10 years & give input on next 10.

 Learn about funding opportunities. Time for networking. Enjoy live performance, tasty food & drink!



RSVP: [email protected]

2018 IDPH School Health Days – October 30, 2018

Sponsor/Host: Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program
Location: Gateway Center
Address: 1 Gateway Drive, Collinsville IL 62234

Women in Science Conference

Sponsor/Host: Northestern Illinois University
Location: Northestern Illinois University
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Northeastern’s annual conference celebrating women in the sciences. This year the conference is on October 26th, 2018 and focuses on Mathematician. The conference will include keynote speaker and plenary speakers, NSF grant writing workshop, scientific art and media display and competition, and a free screening of the movie “Hidden Figures”.


Knowledge to Action: Breast Cancer Awareness & Survivorship Luncheon

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: UIC College of Nursing (CON) 3rd floor Event Space
Address: 845 S Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Breast Cancer survivors (in or out of treatment), advocates, healthcare providers, community members and researchers are invited to attend this free luncheon.

Purpose: To create a space for breast cancer survivors to network/share stories, present the latest advances in breast cancer research from experts, and discuss research and community engagement priorities.

Please register by Tuesday, October 23. Lunch will be provided.
Parking will be provided at the Wood Street Parking Structure (1100 S. Wood St.). Please bring your parking ticket for validation.

Partners in Survival

Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: Gilda's Club
Address: 537 North Wells Street, Chicago, IL 60654
Email: [email protected]

PARTNERS IN SURVIVAL™ A Workshop focuses on the needs of men who support women with cancer. This is a program that will empower you with a blueprint and tools for women and their male caregivers who are battling cancer. Men will have the opportunity to meet with the leader and other male caregiver of cancer patients and survivors. Marc Heyison, President and Founder of Men Against Breast Cancer will lead the workshop.
If your wife, girlfriend, mother, or sister has cancer, this group is for you. Come and meet other men who are going through the similar situation as you.

Third Annual Community Forum-“Healing Together: From Surviving to Thriving”

Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC
Location: Kennedy–King College
Address: 6301 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60621
More information: View Event Page »

For more information and to RSVP, contact us at (773) 231-7789 or

Para mas información y confirmar su asistencia contáctenos al (773) 231-7789 o



Seminars in Survivorship

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: The University of Illinois College of Medicine
Location: College of Medicine Research Building
Address: 909 S. Wolcott Chicago, Illinois
More information: View Event Page »

CHER Chicago Community Symposium

Sponsor/Host: CHER Chicago and University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: TBD
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

The Center for Health Equity Research Chicago (CHER Chicago) will be a groundbreaking and inclusive hub of research and community partnerships creating a world free of structural violence.

Our mission is to make transformative contributions toward the elimination of structural violence through collaborative community partnerships, innovative research, and development and growth of researchers.
We plan to launch two grant applications- three grants available for research endeavors with community partners at $50,000 each and three seed grants for community partners ranging between $5-$10,000 each.
Please distribute this to your networks. We look forward to learning from you!

Chicago Town Hall For Future Medicare Eligibles, Enrollees & Caregivers

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Movement is Life
Location: South Side YMCA
Address: 6330 S. Stony Island
Email: [email protected]

¡Vive tu vida! Get Up! Get Moving!

Sponsor/Host: Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition (CHHC)
Location: McKinley Park Fieldhouse
Address: 2210 West Pershing Road - Chicago, Il 60609
More information: View Event Page »

CPC Seminar: Empowering Latinas to Obtain Breast Cancer Screening (and K01s)

Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: IHRP Room 461
Address: 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.

Dr. in the House with Dr. Terry Mason: “I’m Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired”

Sponsor/Host: WVON 1690AM
Location: Radio Show

Chicago Latina Expo 18

Sponsor/Host: Dia De La Mujer Latina Organization
Location: UIC Forum
Address: 725 W Roosevelt Rd. Chicago Il. 60608
More information: View Event Page »

A New Frontier: Biosimilars and Cancer Care

Sponsor/Host: The Atlantic
Location: Venue SIX10
Address: 610 S. Michigan Avenue
More information: View Event Page »

Life After Cancer: What Comes Next?

Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: UIC College of Nursing, 3rd Floor Event Center
Address: 845 S. Damen
More information: View Event Page »

1ra Conferencia Annual “INSPIRING LATINAS: Liderazgo en la Mujer”

Sponsor/Host: Inspiring Latinas
Location: Instituto del Progreso Latino
Address: 2520 S. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60608
More information: View Event Page »

Faculty Professional Development Workshop: Clear and Effective Manuscript Writing

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
Location: College of Pharmacy Building Room 134-3
Address: 833 S. Wood St.
Email: [email protected]

Faculty Professional Development Workshop

Clear and Effective Manuscript Writing

Susan J. Marriott, PhD

Professor, Virology and Microbiology

Baylor College of Medicine

Founder, BioScience Writers

Researchers recognize that publication is the primary means of disseminating their research findings and is also a critical part of career advancement. This workshop is intended for UIC faculty who want to enhance their written communication skills to facilitate publishing in high impact journals. It will offer practical training in clear and effective research writing that will enable participants to more efficiently prepare successful manuscripts for top tier international journals.


Friday, May 18, 2018



College of Pharmacy Building

Room 134-3

833 S. Wood St.

Chicago, IL 60612


Contact Jaclyn Jackson at [email protected] or 312/413-5429.

The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through Grant UL1TR002003. The content is solely the responsibility of the presenters and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force Mother’s Day Event

Sponsor/Host: Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force
Address: 901 Weed Street, Chicago, IL  60642
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

The Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force, which works to eliminate health inequities in the Chicago area for uninsured, underinsured, and medically insured women, started a bilingual navigation program so that Latina women can access free mammograms and other breast health services in their preferred language.  Please join Dr Yami Molina for their Mother’s Day Celebration on Wednesday, May 9 from 6:00 – 7:30 at STUDIO XFINITY, 901 Weed Street, Chicago, IL  60642.

If you have questions or would like to RSVP, please contact the Task Force at 312-942-3368 or [email protected], or you can also RSVP at or  Thank you – we look forward to seeing you on May 9!

Gary Kruh Cancer Research Symposium and Student Poster Competition

More information: View Event Page »

Breakthroughs in the 21st Century, A Focus on How Science Has Driven New Cures

Friday, May 4
9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Student Center West
Thompson Room, Second Floor
828 S. Wolcott Ave.

Registration Button

The day will include a program of featured guest speakers, followed by a panel discussion and student poster competition.

Poster contest submissions due by Friday, April 6, 2018
All attendees must register by Friday, April 27
Lunch will be provided.

Questions? Contact us at 312-413-5598, or [email protected].

This annual event brings together cancer researchers, faculty and students, and is named for the former University of Illinois Cancer Center director, Dr. Gary Kruh, who specialized in the treatment of patients with lung cancer. His research focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms that enable cancer cells to resist chemotherapy agents.


University of Illinois Cancer Center logo     

ECOG-ACRIN Spring 2018 Group Meeting

Sponsor/Host: ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group
Location: Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile
Address: 540 N. Michigan Avenue
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »


The ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group is a multidisciplinary, membership-based scientific organization that designs and conducts biomarker-driven cancer research involving adults who have or are at risk of developing cancer. The Group is dedicated to its stated purpose, which is to achieve research advances in all aspects of cancer care and thereby reduce the burden of cancer and improve the quality of life and survival in patients with cancer.

The ECOG-ACRIN Semi-Annual Group Meetings


  • Present the latest in basic, clinical, and translational research by Group members in the areas of cancer prevention, imaging, diagnosis, and treatment studies
  • Provide a forum for ECOG-ACRIN physicians, clinical research professionals, patient advocates, and other members to engage in academic inquiry, exchange information on therapeutic interventions, discuss the newest clinical agents, and facilitate and enhance progress in cancer clinical trials.
  • Provide programs and educational sessions that enable healthcare professionals and patient advocates to better engage patients and the public in the clinical research process.
  • Reinforce compliance with ECOG-ACRIN policies and procedures
  • Provide non-CME educational workshops for research professionals

People with Disabilities: An Unrecognized Cancer Disparities Population – Evidence and Opportunities

Sponsor/Host: UI Cancer Center/IHRP
Location: IHRP Room 461
Address: 1747 Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL 60608

Research on the Health and Well-Being of African American Men: Emerging Issues and Research Best Practices

Sponsor/Host: UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Location: College of Nursing Event Center
Address: 845 S Damen, 3rd Floor
Email: [email protected]

This free workshop is designed to provide an overview of African American men’s health, as well as discuss emerging issues, and research best practices with regards to recruitment and retention, measurement, and community engagement in this population. Students, post-doctoral researchers and scholars in Chicago conducting research specifically on African American and Black men are encouraged to attend.

Registration Required
Questions? Contact Raymond Ruiz at [email protected]

Presented by the CCTS Recruitment, Retention & Community Engagement Program, Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) & the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research.  


Third Annual Faith, Health, and Research Dialogue

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: Catholic Theological Union Conference Center
Address: 5416 S. Cornell Ave, Chicago, IL 60615
More information: View Event Page »

UI Cancer Center Seminar: “Insights in Cancer Epidemiology from the American Cancer Society’s Prospective Study”

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: UI Cancer Center and UIC IHRP
Location: UIC IHRP Room 461
Address: 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.

AACR-MICR Distinguished Lectureship Series On Cancer Health Disparities

Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: Student Center East-Cardinal Room
Address: 750 S. Halsted St. 3rd Floor
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Sanctuary Healthcare for All : Protecting the Rights of Immigrants and Marginalized People

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Health & Medicine Policy Research Group
Address: 2229 S. Halsted St.
Email: [email protected]


Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: UI Cancer Center and the UIC School of Public Health
Location: National Museum of Mexican Art
Address: 1852 W 19th St, Chicago, IL 60608
Email: [email protected]


The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) received $6.75 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a specialized Center of Excellence in minority health and health disparities research to build the Center for Health Equity Research Chicago, CHER Chicago.

CHER Chicago, based out of the UI Cancer Center and the UIC School of Public Health,  and in collaboration with The University of Chicago Medicine, investigates how various social structures and determinants contribute to the health of marginalized groups.  CHER Chicago acknowledges that structural violence and its effects on people and communities can only be eliminated through engaging community partners in meaningful ways to transform academic research to real world social change.  RSVP and forward to your networks as space is limited to the first 100.

Principal Investigators: Dr. Robert A. Winn, Dr. Martha Daviglus, and Dr. Jesus Ramirez-Valles.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Steve Meeks, Chief of Health Services of the Illinois Department of Corrections.

The CHER Chicago Request for Funding Proposals is now open.  Please click here to learn more.

UIC Movember 3v3 Basketball Tournament and Men’s Health Resource Fair

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center and UIC Urology
Location: UIC East Campus Student Rec Facility
Address: 737 S. Halsted
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

ScreenABLE Saturday

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Program for Healthcare Justice for People with Disabilities
Location: Mile Square Health Center-Main
Address: 1220 S. Wood
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Walk From Obesity 5K walk/run

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: UI Health Bariatric Surgery
Location: Montrose Beach
Address: 601 W. Montrose
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

The Bariatric Surgery Program at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health Bariatric Surgery) is hosting a Walk from Obesity 5K walk/run on Sunday, November 12th through the ASMBS Foundation! See attached flyer for additional information. To register, go to

The ASMBS Foundation’s Walk from Obesity is the only national walkathon that brings attention to the disease of obesity by raising awareness in communities all over the country. The Walk from Obesity also provides educational materials regarding obesity and the treatment options available.

All Walk from Obesity events are at a “set your own” pace, and are non-competitive. Participants are encouraged to walk or run as little or as much as they like.

Whether you are an individual struggling with obesity, have successfully treated your obesity, know someone who is struggling, or are interested in supporting the fight against obesity, we welcome you to join us as we Walk from Obesity. To find an event in your area please visit

The Walk from Obesity is also a fundraising event to support the ASMBS Foundation’s mission to raise funds for obesity research, education, and access to quality treatment.

For more information, contact:
Jenna Giannetti, RD, CSOWM, LDN
Outpatient Bariatric Dietitian
Board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management
(312) 996-6838
[email protected]

Beyond October

Event Type:
Location: IIT Hermann Hall Conference Center
Address: 3241 S. Federal St., Chicago, IL 60616
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

THINK PINK: Join Ald. Toni Foulkes and Pin-A-Sister™ / Examínate Comadre™ for Our Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Party

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ACCESS Community Health Network
Location: ACCESS Center for Discovery and Learning
Address: 5139 S. Ashland, Chicago, IL 60609
Email: [email protected]

Register for Big Ten CRC Summit 2017

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: The University of Illinois Cancer Center and Lurie Cancer Center
Location: Big Ten Conference Headquarters
Address: 5440 Park Pl, Rosemont, IL 60018
More information: View Event Page »

This meeting will bring together members from Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium institutions to explore the role of precision oncology and using cancer genomic data tailored to individual patients.



 See the Big Ten CRC Summit web page for full agenda.

Meeting location

Big Ten Conference Headquarters, 5440 Park Pl, Rosemont, IL 60018


Don’t miss your chance to book your stay in Chicago using the Big Ten CRC’s room block. Room block reservations end this Friday, Sept. 29!

Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel

5300 N. River Road Rosemont, IL, 60018

  • 40-room block available at $169 per night from 10/20 to 10/22
  • Check in: 4 PM | Check out: 12 Noon
  • Self-parking: $26; Valet parking: $36 (subject to change)
  • Business Center: lobby level; 24 hours with room key
  • In Room dining available 24 hours
  • Fitness Center: 1st floor, 24 hours
  • A complimentary airport shuttle runs between the hotel and Chicago O’Hare airport
  • Click here for a map & driving directions to the hotel

Phone: 847-544-5300

Reservations: 877-868-9134

Use Group Code UIC102 (Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium) to reserve rooms under the block.

  • Select location as: Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel.
  • Select check-in and check-out dates.
  • There is a drop-down box that is defaulted to “Best available rate;” select the “group rates” option (this is where the group code goes).
  • Enter the number of guests.

After clicking “book now,” the rooms available will pop up for booking.

U&I Beating Breast Cancer

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center and UI Health Center for Breast Care
Location: UIC College of Medicine West Faculty Alumni Lounge
Address: 1853 W. Polk
Email: [email protected]

Research on the Health Disparities of LGBTQIA Populations

Event Type:
Location: UIC College of Nursing
Address: 845 S. Damen Ave, 3rd Floor Event Space
Email: [email protected]

Introduction to Health Disparities, Health Literacy and Cultural Competence

Event Type:
Location: UIC Ear & Eye Infirmary, Auditorium 1.17
Address: 1855 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Introduction to Health Disparities, Health Literacy and Cultural Competence
UIC Department of Medicine – Office of Health Literacy
Date: Wednesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 12th, 2017
Time: 8:15-11:15am
Place: UIC Ear & Eye Infirmary, Auditorium 1.17, 1855 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL

This October 11th and 12th, Introduction to Health Disparities, Health Literacy and Cultural Competence will be offered to graduate and professional students, clinicians, faculty, and researchers in the health science colleges and professions. These educational sessions will provide the opportunity to 1) learn about issues surrounding health disparities and health equity among socioeconomically diverse communities; 2) introduce health literacy as a means of intervention to improve patient outcomes, and 3) promote strategy and skill building in the area of cultural competence. This course is introductory and is intended for those who have not had previous exposure to or training in these topics.

The course will be taught by Professor Paula Allen-Meares in addition to guest lecturers. The class will offer an interactive format, culminating in a skill building workshop. This course is free and open to any interested participants.

To register for the course, visit:

For more information, contact Brienne Davis Lowry at [email protected]

Midwest LGBTQ Health Symposium

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Howard Brown Health
Location: JW Marriott
Address: 151 W Adams St, Chicago, IL 60603
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

The mission of Howard Brown Health is to eliminate disparities in healthcare experienced by LGBTQ people through research, education and the provision of services that promote health and wellness. Today our mission is more critical than ever. Despite threats to healthcare access, we continue our aim to empower healthcare professionals in offering high quality care that uplifts and affirms our community.

This year, Howard Brown’s Center for Education, Research and Advocacy will bring together healthcare professionals, educators, researchers, and advocates from across the country to disseminate evidence-based practices and engage in rigorous discussion around our theme “Breaking the Stigma.” Together, we can create a healthcare system that is sensitive to and informed about the needs of LGBTQ people. We are writing because we hope you will help us fulfill our mission by sponsoring this year’s symposium – held at the JW Marriott in Chicago, IL on October 6-7.

UI Cancer Center CPC Program Seminar

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: University of Illinois Cancer Center
Location: IHRP Room 461
Address: 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.

3rd Annual #BeAGift Diversity in Clinical Trials Town Hall and Symposium

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: The American Cancer Society (ACS), The University Of Illinois Cancer Center, the Big Ten Cancer Conference
Location: ACCESS Center for Discovery and Learning
Address: 5139 S Ashland Ave
More information: View Event Page »

The American Cancer Society (ACS), The University Of Illinois Cancer Center, the Big Ten Cancer Conference along with many others, are proud to be partnering Monday, October 2 on the 3rd Annual #BeAGift Diversity in Clinical Trials Town Hall and Symposium and we would cordially invite you to attend this important conversation.  Historically, minority populations have been underrepresented in clinical trials, and as a result comprehensive responses to medicine based on sex, gender, race and lifestyle remain not well understood.   We hope you’ll consider joining us as we hear from diverse perspectives to call attention to this issue of importance in the public health community.  We will be dividing our event into three sections, to receive perspectives from:

  • Medical professionals & health care leaders (current participants include Dr. Robert Winn, Director the UIC Cancer Center, Dr. Karriem Watson of the UIC Cancer Center, Dr. Susan Goodin from the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium, along with a representative from Pfizer, Inc.);
  • Patients and caregivers (current participants include Alicia Cook from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, TaLana Huges of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of IL, and Star*Cunningham of 4D Healthware);
  • Decision makers in the legislative space (current participants include IL State Representative Mary Flowers, among others)

This year’s event will be in a town hall format to foster discussion on increasing participation of diverse patient populations, along with fully exploring the policy landscape related to it.  Please join us for this event on Monday, October 2, 2017 from 9:30am-2:00pm at:

Access Center for Discovery and Learning

5139  S Ashland Ave

Chicago, IL 60609

To RSVP, please visit and register free of charge.  Lunch will be provided:

Community Counts! – 2017 Community Forum

Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC
Location: Arturo Velazquez Institute
Address: 2800 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60608
Email: [email protected]

RSVP below, or click to RSVP in a new tab:


Please join community & civic leaders, community members, healthcare leaders, students, and academic partners for the Second Annual ChicagoCHEC Community Forum to:

— Bring people together to address cancer issues
— Be a call to action to address cancer inequities in Chicago communities
— Learn more about cancer research, prevention, treatment, and survivorship

The event is free and open to the public. Space is limited.

Únase a los líderes comunitarios y cívicos, miembros de la comunidad, estudiantes y socios académicos en el Segundo Foro Comunitario de ChicagoCHEC para:

— Reunirnos y dialogar sobre temas relacionados con el cáncer
— Tomar acción para mejorar las inequidades alrededor de cáncer en el área metropolitana de Chicago
— Obtener información sobre los estudios médicos, sobre prevención, tratamiento y sobrevivencia del cáncer

El evento es gratis y abierto al público. Espacio es limitado.


Women in Science Conference

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC
Location: Northeastern Illinois University
Address: 5500 N. Saint Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625

Free parking is available the 5th floor of the Parking Facility (building number 16 on the campus map:

In honor of the 150th anniversary of Marie Curie’s birth and in conjunction with the 150th anniversary of Northeastern Illinois University, this conference will include fascinating seminars, engaging roundtable discussions, inspiring laboratory activities, Science with Sophie, and a screening of the film “Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge.” The agenda (below) features renowned international speakers from various fields of study, including globally renowned Public Health expert, Professor Witold Zatonski, M.D., an Epidemiologist from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland, Sophie Shrand, the creator and host of Science with Sophie, and Julie Des Jardins, author of Madame Curie Complex: The Hidden History of Women in Science.

With an inspiring story of tenacity and empowerment, Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel prize and the only person to receive two Nobel prizes in two different disciplines (physics and chemistry). She is honored for her discovery of radium and polonium, her remarkable push for clinical adaptation of her laboratory findings to benefit medical patients, and her extraordinary contribution to the fight against cancer.

Conference Agenda

Download PDF of Full Conference Agenda including Presenter Bios

Monday, September 18, 2017


Professional Grant Development Workshop

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: The Grant Training Center
Location: University of Illinois at Chicago Student Center East
Address: 750 Halsted Chicago, IL 60607
More information: View Event Page »

Professional Grant Development Workshop
Master the techniques of writing superior winning proposals
September 14-15, 2017
8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
To be held at the:
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL

Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center

This intensive two-day grant proposal workshop is geared towards those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills, as well as beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing and writing winning proposals to various funding agencies. The focus will be on how to effectively write proposals in times of keen competition and limited resources.

Participants will learn how to:
1. Navigate the world of grant procurement
2. Research and identify potential funding sources
3. Address the guidelines of federal and foundation applications
4. Focus on foundation and corporate giving for the state of Illinois
5. Understand the new federal guidelines for writing winning grants
6. Know the review process and how to address key points for reviewers
7. Write winning grants that stand out against scores of competing submissions
8. Develop focused and realistic budgets
9. Demonstrate the merits excellence and innovation of your proposal
10. Package professional grant submissions

Our ultimate goal is for you to walk away with a product specific to your interests, which includes the grant design, abstract and budget.

To register:
Please click here
Questions? Call us at (866) 704-7268
Workshop Fee: $595.00 (includes a comprehensive directory, workbook, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast)
*Space is limited, and since this class fills up quickly, it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.*

Can’t make it?
Take our
Online Version of this Workshop

Save the Date: 28th Annual African Festival of the Art

Location: Washington Park
More information: View Event Page »

Annually during Labor Day Weekend, the Festival grounds in Chicago’s Washington Park come alive in a simulated African village. Attendees are transported across the Diaspora with interactive engagements, vibrant drumming, museum quality and collectible artifacts, colorful and rich handwoven fabric and textile, and other program spaces and Interactive spaces include: Drum & Afro-folk Village, Children and Family, African Heritage, African Spirituality, Wellness (Health) Village, Books and Authors, Fine Art, Film and Video, Food Court, Seniors and Quilting, and the African Marketplace.


Stay tuned for more info.

7th Annual IM4US Conference, Equity and Healing: Integrative Approaches to Bridging Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Care.

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Location: Northwestern Memorial Hospital - Feinberg And Prentice Conference Centers
More information: View Event Page »

Join us in vibrant downtown Chicago for the 7th Annual IM4US Conference, Equity and Healing: Integrative Approaches to Bridging Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Care.

Hosting Institution: Northwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

Conference Dates and Locations:

  • August 24: Pre-Conference Workshops at Prentice Women’s Hospital Conference Center
  • August 25 & 26: Main Conference at Feinberg Pavilion at Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Click here for registration information

The IM4US ANNUAL CONFERENCE is a unique educational experience for healing professionals, administrators, students, advocates, and the community to learn about affordable integrative approaches to common health conditions, share evidence-based best integrative practices, and be part of a like-minded community for activism around IM for the underserved.

Integrative medicine is often seen in our culture to be for the wealthy, involving expensive supplements and treatments that low-income patients cannot afford. Most of the educational opportunities that currently exist on this topic are geared towards healers in private practice with patients who are willing and able to spend money on such treatments. Yet, many integrative treatments are not only more effective but also more cost-efficient, and many community clinics and other practices are already using these strategies with underserved populations.

Conference Tracks:

  • Research
  • Policy/Advocacy
  • Clinical Practice/Skill-Building
  • Administration/Practice Management
Conference Objectives:
  • Foster community among all of those who have a commitment to providing integrative health care for the underserved (healers, educators, administrators, researchers, advocates, policy makers, patients, etc.)
  • Highlight existing sustainable health care models and innovative structures of practice that embrace an integrated approach and increase access to care
  • Build an international movement that advances policy and provides advocacy for those that face injustice in health care due to racial, socioeconomic, or other factors
  • Shift the paradigm in health care towards one of wellness, prevention, patient empowerment, self-care, and lifestyle changes
  • Develop skills, disseminate practical information, and share strategies for providing quality care for the underserved
  • Feature cutting-edge research and welcome investigators who will further the field

NM FSM logo 002

Accreditation Statement:

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Integrative Medicine for the Underserved. The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation Statement:

The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 18.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Educational Objectives:

  • Identify appropriate integrative medicine treatment strategies for use in underserved and ethnically diverse patient populations.
  • Evaluate current research involving integrative care for the underserved
  • Share skills and knowledge in sustainable integrative models in underserved populations. Compare and contrast appropriate integrative medicine treatment strategies for use in common problems seen in underserved patient populations
  • Evaluate the indications, benefits, and risks of integrative medicine approaches for underserved populations and select appropriate resources based on patient needs and preferences
  • Develop innovative best practice models for providing effective integrative healthcare for patients suffering from various health disparities
  • Identify new health care providers and healers across disciplines that have a commitment to integrative medicine for the underserved.
  • Build a network of providers who support mutual learning and interdisciplinary clinical practice.
  • Discuss practical options for helping support patient self-care, self-efficacy and self-management tools.

Congressman Danny K. Davis Back-to-School Picnic and Parade

Event Type:
Location: Columbus Park
Address: Jackson and Central, Chicago, IL 60644
Email: [email protected]

HopeFest 2017

Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: New Life Covenant Church
Location: New Life Covenant Church Main Campus
Address: 3400 W. Division
More information: View Event Page »

Join ChicagoCHEC and the UI Health Cancer Center at one of Chicago’s largest Back-to-School events – providing FREE Back packs and school supplies, immunizations and physicals (bring records), Social Service information around employment, education, insurance, immigration and housing, Hair-cuts and a BLOCK PARTY KidZone with bouncy houses, carnival games, candy, music and FUN!

If you would like to volunteer for the event, please email [email protected].

Staying Safe in the Sun

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC and ACCESS Community Health Network
Location: ACCESS Center for Discovery and Learning
Address: 5139 S Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60609
Email: [email protected]



Advancing Trust in Medical Research: A Community Dialogue with Family Members of Henrietta Lacks

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: UI Health Cancer Center
Location: UIC Student Center West
Address: 828 South Wolcott Avenue, Floor 2 Chicago, IL 60612
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Join us for a very special program with the family members of Henrietta Lacks

Friday, July 7, 2017

11 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

 (Lunch is from 11am – 12pm; talks and panel discussion from 12-2:15pm; and book signing and film screening of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from 2:15 – 4:15pm)

UI Health Cancer Center invites you to a special community dialog with family members of Henrietta Lacks as they discuss the era of precision medicine, and the relationships between patients and medical researchers. The discussion will include:

  • Lacks family members: (Henrietta Lacks’ daughter-in-law, Shirley Lacks; Lacks’ granddaughter, Jeri Lacks Whye and Lacks’ great granddaughter, Veronica Robinson)
  • Robert A. Barish, MD, MBA, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs & Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Robert A. Winn, MD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Community Based Practice; Director, UI Health Cancer Center
  • Dara P. Richardson-Heron, MD, Chief Engagement Officer, National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program
  • Karriem S. Watson, DHSc, MS, MPH, Director of Community Engaged Research and Implementation Science, UI Health Cancer Center
  • Lisa Anderson-Shaw, DrPH, MA, MSN, Director of the Clinical Ethics Consult Service, UI Health
  • Ashish Ansal, MD, Family Medicine, Mile Square Health Center, Englewood
  • UI Health Patient Brigade Members RoseMarie Rogers and Carol Gyimatey

Admission is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Registration is required.

Professional Grant Development Workshop: Master the techniques of writing superior winning proposals

Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: The Grant Training Center
Location: University of Illinois at Chicago Student Center East Room 605
Address: 750 Halsted Chicago, IL 60607
More information: View Event Page »

Professional Grant Development Workshop
Master the techniques of writing superior winning proposals
June 8-9, 2017
8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
To be held at the:
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center

This intensive two-day grant proposal workshop is geared towards those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills, as well as beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing and writing winning proposals to various funding agencies. The focus will be on how to effectively write proposals in times of keen competition and limited resources.

Participants will learn how to:
1. Navigate the world of grant procurement
2. Research and identify potential funding sources
3. Address the guidelines of federal and foundation applications
4. Focus on foundation and corporate giving for the state of Illinois
5. Understand the new federal guidelines for writing winning grants
6. Know the review process and how to address key points for reviewers
7. Write winning grants that stand out against scores of competing submissions
8. Develop focused and realistic budgets
9. Demonstrate the merits excellence and innovation of your proposal
10. Package professional grant submissions

Our ultimate goal is for you to walk away with a product specific to your interests, which includes the grant design, abstract and budget.

To register:
Please click here
Questions? Call us at (866) 704-7268
Workshop Fee: $595.00 (includes a comprehensive directory, workbook, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast)
*Space is limited, and since this class fills up quickly, it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.*

Can’t make it?
Take our
Professional Proposal Writing Online Course


Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Cancer Survivors’ Celebration Walk & 5K

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC
Location: Grant Park
Address: (Columbus Drive at Balbo, SW corner)
More information: View Event Page »

This year, we have organized a ChicagoCHEC Team to come in and support the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Cancer Survivors’ Celebration Walk & 5K. We’re writing to invite you to join us on Sunday, June 4th at Grant Park. It will be fun! We hope to see you there!

Register and Join ChicagoCHEC in one, easy step:

Make a Gift in Support of ChicagoCHEC:

¡Vive Tu Vida! Get Up, Get Moving!

Event Type:
Location: McKinely Park
Address: 2210 W. Pershing Road, Chicago, IL 60609
More information: View Event Page »

ChicagoCHEC is proud to be a sponsor of the 11th Annual  ¡Vive Tu Vida! Get Up, Get Moving! health fair organized by the Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition under the leadership of Esther Sciammarella.

This FUN family oriented event will take place on Saturday, June 3rd from 9 am to 2 pm at McKinley Park located at 2210 W. Pershing Road, Chicago, IL 60609.

ChicagoCHEC will have a booth and will also be actively involved in various health and physical activity demonstrations designed to entertain and educate the fair’s attendees.”

We are also looking for volunteers to help throughout the fair and help facilitate the above mentioned activities.  For more information re: volunteer opportunities, please contact Karina Bautista via email [email protected] or call them at (312) 842-2340. You may also visit their website at:

Do you want to be part of Team ChicagoCHEC for this event?  Please contact Elena Navas at [email protected] or via cell (312) 622-5041.



Application Due Date: Fostering future HIV community leaders — an intensive public health training institute

Sponsor/Host: AIDS Foundation of Chicago and NUCATS
Location: orthwestern University's Chicago campus
More information: View Event Page »

Public Health Boot CampPublic Health Boot Camp is an intensive five-day certificate program provided by the AIDS Foundation of Chicago in partnership with Northwestern University’s Institute for Public Health & Medicine, Northwestern Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS Institute), and the Feinberg School of Medicine. The intensive training program is designed to enhance professional knowledge of core public health concepts among HIV/AIDS organizational leaders. Program participants are selected through a competitive application process.

The training program aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of HIV prevention and care services in metropolitan Chicago by exposing HIV/AIDS organizational leaders to core concepts of public health science, theory and practice. The Boot Camp provides participants with the necessary tools to apply what they have learned to actual HIV/AIDS programmatic activities.

To be considered for the program, applicants must submit the following materials online by Tuesday, May 30, at 12 p.m. CST:

  • Original, signed application form
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • Statement of Interest

The Public Health Boot Camp is Aug. 13-17, 2017. The program will take place at Northwestern University’s Chicago campus. 

Facilitating Patient & Stakeholder Engagement in Research Through Partnerships: the Cancer Care Continuum

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: CCPH, UI Health Cancer Center, Lurie, ARCC
Location: UIC College of Nursing Event Center (3rd Floor)
Address: 845 S Damen Ave. Chicago, IL 60612
More information: View Event Page »

Coming to Chicago, IL is a one-day, FREE conference hosted by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH), in partnership with the UI Health Cancer Center, the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities at Northwestern University (ARCC) and the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University:

Facilitating Patient & Stakeholder

Engagement in Research Through Partnerships:

The Cancer Care Continuum

Saturday May 20, 2017

8:30 AM – 3:30 PM


UIC College of Nursing

Event Center (3rd Floor)

845 S Damen Ave.

Chicago, IL 60612

This event is designed to bring together various stakeholders including:  patients, clinicians, researchers, and advocates, to learn about and discuss the challenges faced, lessons learned, and benefits of patient-centered cancer care research. Learn more about the event and register Register now. Travel support is available for patient and community attendees. Please email Paige Castro-Reyes at [email protected] for more information.

This event is funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EAIN-2517).

Community Campus Partnerships for Health 20th Anniversary Celebration in Chicago

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Community Campus Partnerships for Health
Location: Access Living of Metro Chicago
Address: 115 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60654
More information: View Event Page »

May 19, 2017 in Chicago, IL

Join us as we celebrate 20 years as an organization with an evening reception in Chicago! Along with a presentation by Executive Director, Al Richmond, and local Board Members commemorating the milestone, there will be opportunities for networking, learning about local and national community-academic partnerships, and more!

Location: Access Living of Metro Chicago, 115 W Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60654

Time: 5:00-7:00 pm CST

CCH Workshop: How to Connect Research to Policy-Making

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Center for Community Health (IPHAM)
Location: Wieboldt Hall South Entrance, Room 421,
Address: 340 E Superior St, Chicago, IL 60611
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »

Category: Academic


Organized by the Northwestern University Center for Community Health in collaboarion with Health & Medicine Policy Research Group.


Light refreshments. Parking Validation for community partner attendees.

Session will be live streamed and recorded. Weblink will be posted shortly before the session.


Midwest Health Equity Conference

Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
Location: University Center
Address: 525 S. State Street
More information: View Event Page »

Ensuring Research Benefits Your Community Organization’s Mission

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: Northwestern University
Location: Wieboldt Hall South Entrance, Room 421
Address: 340 E Superior St, Chicago, IL 60611
Email: [email protected]
More information: View Event Page »



Presented by the Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC), this session will focus on presenting strategies for community-based organizations to build and strengthen research readiness and capacity. For organizations that are currently engaged or interested in research collaborations, implementing processes and tools that support your research engagement can ensure that the research will benefit your mission, your organization and the communities you serve.
This may include:
– assessing your organization’s research capacity,
– drafting research principles or values for your organization,
– developing community research priorities/agenda, and
– adopting forms or checklists for research requests from academics.

Examples from local community-based organizations and networks will be shared. Confirmed speakers include Sherida Morrison (Demoiselle 2 Femme), Kevin Rak (Enlace), and Sarah Gabriella Hernandez (Little Village Research Forum).

Light refreshments will be served. Parking validation will be provided for communitiy attendees.

Session will also be available through live online streaming and will be recorded.

RSVP to [email protected]


Event Type: ,
Sponsor/Host: UI Health Cancer Center and Institute for Health Research and Policy
Location: Westside Research Office Building
Address: 1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.

7th International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA7) at NEIU

Event Type:
Sponsor/Host: ChicagoCHEC and NEIU
Location: NEIU
Address: 500 N. St. Louis Ave. Chicago, IL
More information: View Event Page »

May 3rd – May 5th, 2017
Northeastern Illinois University
Chicago, IL USA

Deadline for Abstracts is Friday, March 17th, 2017
Faculty/Researcher Abstracts for Oral Presentations must be submitted to:
Elena Navas-Nacher, PhD, MS
[email protected]

Students Abstracts for Poster Presentations:
Emma Turian, PhD
[email protected]

Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) and Northeastern Illinois University cordially invite you to participate in the 7th ICRA Conference. 

Continuing in the spirit of six earlier meetings organized by the ISI Committee on Risk Analysis (ISI-CRA) of the International Statistical Institute, this year’s conference focuses on Cancer-Related Risk Analysis.

The Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative (ChicagoCHEC) will host ICRA7 at Northeastern Illinois University’s Main Campus located at 5500 N. St. Louis Ave in Chicago, USA. Registration is now open and early registration is encouraged. 

The format for the meeting will include plenary talks, organized sessions, and sessions with contributed talks and posters. The conference includes keynote presentations by world-renowned scientists. Students are encouraged to enter a poster competition and present their projects to conference attendees. There are no events scheduled simultaneously so you will not miss anything. A Gala Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 4th and will feature a keynote presentation, a student poster award ceremony and live entertainment.

The ICRA7 will be followed by NEIU’s 10th Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling, which will begin at 1:00PM on Friday, May 5th, 2017 and continues through Saturday, May 6th, 2017 at Northeastern Illinois University’s Main Campus. For general conference information please email [email protected]. Complete conference schedule coming soon.

Northeastern Illinois University is located on the northwest side of Chicago and provides an idea setting for a collegial gathering of scientists, researchers, and students of all abilities and interests. Accommodations are available at a reduced cost at The Nest, our brand new university housing development with private bedrooms, common living space, and a kitchen; at the Holiday Inn located in Skokie, IL or the Holiday Inn Express located in Niles, IL.  See descriptions and links for housing in the notes field below.

Individual Conference Registration
Early Bird (ICRA7 + Workshop):  $ 300
Late Registration (ICRA7 + Workshop):  $ 350

Student Conference Rate (ICRA7 + Workshop)
Use Coupon Code: ICRASTUDENT at checkout
Early Bird (ICRA7 + Workshop): $150
Late Registration (ICRA7 + Workshop): $175

Attention:  Northeastern Illinois University Students are entitled to a local registration discount.
NEIU Students Use Coupon Code NEIUSTUDENT at check out.

Accompanying Person Fee (ICRA7): $100
Accompanying Person Fee (ICRA7 + Workshop): $150

Daily Registration (ICRA7): $100 (Pay at the door)
Registration (Workshop): $50 (Pay at the door)

Hotel Information

Mentor Development Workshop

Sponsor/Host: NUCATS at Northwestern University
Location: Conference Rm. L, 3rd Floor Prentice Pavilion
Email: [email protected]

All are invited to attend a workshop designed for experienced and novice mentors who want to develop mentoring skills! Please see attached flyer for more information. This workshop is open to non-NU faculty.  Mentor Development Workshop Flyer

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